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And the political symbolism of a project which would literally
bind this country, not just to France but to the European con­
tinent, is something� should surely .QY !!Q.! be able� welcome
rather than shun.
As evidence of our European commitment, 1t
would carry far more conviction than any number of flags, an­
thems, or maroon-coloured passports �eferring to the standard­
ized European Community passport which took effect on January 1
On the surface, Britain's economy could use a "shot in the arm" from the
tunnel enterprise. But is it so good for the country in the long run? The
following is repeated from a short report published in the August 1966
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. It dealt at that time with the previous tunnel
scheme (the one subsequently scrubbed in 1975):
Britain and France have at last agreed to build a tunnel under
the English Channel! ••• Businessmen and ambitious generals alike
have dreamed of such a tunnel since the days of Napoleon.
In 1880, a French-English combine actually started digging. But
work was stopped after nearly two miles of the tunnel had been
excavated. The project was revived in 1890, but to no avail. At­
tempts in 1906 and 1914 again proved fruitless. Each time plans
were stopped cold by the British War Office. England's top gen­
erals repeatedly vetoed the scheme as� peril to Britain's island
security. In today's nuclear age, however, such fears have van­
ished. But officials don't see the hidden danger••••
God promised our countries fantastic national wealth. He prom­
ised protection from our enemies (Deut. 28:7). He settled us be­
hind protective geographical barriers.
The United States has
been blessed with two ocean frontiers. The British Isles have
been separated from the Continent by the choppy waters of the
Even Hitler's massive air attacks in World War II
couldn't subjugate Britain.
But God is about to breach the Channel gap•••• Unless we repent,
one third of our peoples--including millions of British--will die
in nuclear warfare at the hands of a resurrected Roman Empire in
Europe. After that, another third will be carried off into cap­
tivity {Ezek. 5:12). But how? The English Channel tunnel may
well prove to be the primary expulsion route taken by millions of
hapless Britons•••• Britain's days of "splendid isolation" are
One channel tunnel project after another has fizzled down through the ages.
But at last, Britain's protective moat looks like it is about to be
"Chunnel" Yes, Eurostamp No
How far will the British be willing to go, however, in the cause of European
unity? The "Chunnel" idea sounds good, especially to a pragmatic conserva­
tive government, but the latest unity scheme floated by a European Communi­
ty committee may be a non-starter. The idea is to produce a common postage
stamp for use by all ten EC countries.
The most popular version of this
idea advocates having a stamp depicting a map of the Community on the right-