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Member Donations Up by 12.7%
We are also pleased to report that member contributions for 1984 were up by
12.7% over 1983. This was substantially higher than the increase in bap­
tized members, which was 3.3%. Thus the brethren continue to give more per
person in supporting God's Church than
before--an obvious reflection
of the increased dedication of God's people in helping to do God's work!
Ambassador Students Appreciate College Experience
With the second semester of college now underway, we thought to share some
comments received in the mail from Ambassador students. A number have
written in to express their heartfelt thanks for the fine opportunities
available in Pasadena and Big Sandy. From their comments, it's clear that
attending Ambassador College is one of the greatest blessings these young
experienced. Following are a few of their letters:
I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank you
much for your faithfulness to God and the example you have
set for all of us. I am currently a freshman at Big Sandy. God
has truly given me a chance to partake of the best education a
person could hope for.
I look forward to each and every day trying to learn as much as I
can, but knowing that there is still much I need to learn. It is
easy to tell that this is God's college and that the faculty is
bending over backwards to train us in the way we should go. Truly
this is a part of my life I can be extra thankful for.
D.V. (Big Sandy, TX}
I send the enclosed check simply because I am so thankful for all
the blessings I have received. I am an Ambassador College stu­
dent and
though money is not as plentiful as it once was, my
blessings are much more abundant.
I want to thank you most sincerely for opening this college in
the first place, and being guided by Jesus Christ. It is indeed
the only place to be where one can "recapture true values." I
pray for continued growth of the Church and am working diligently
to do as much as I can for the work in my own small way.
(Pasadena, CA}
Please let Mr. Armstrong know that I personally appreciate the
care and concern he has given me over the years. I have benefited
just this past school year because I was able to attend Ambassa­
dor College at Pasadena. Nowhere else have I seen so many excel­
lent teachers. Mr. Armstrorig has repeatedly shown that he has
God's guidance by the fruits of God's work. The college with
campuses at Big Sandy and at Pasadena has been a rich blessing to
member of God's Church.
J.M. (Pasadena, CA}
Please accept this letter of appreciation for your dedication to
the Ambassador College campus and its student body. Just after
my arrival here, you took time out of your busy schedule just so