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a subscription to my friend, Sandra. She loves it. May God be
with you.
C.M. (Weaverville, NC)
I'm a Chris.
tian and I love to read The PLAIN TRUTH. I'm ten years
old. I thought I'd write and tell you how blessed I am. I have
never had nothing real bad happen to me. Well, God bless you.
T • E • (Fay, AR)
I love your magazine. I'm sending away for it.
My name is
Steven, age eight, grade three in Clifford School. I get it
whenever I can, but I don't go to the stores that often, so I'�
sending away. I only have one issue. I had four, but I lost
three. I still like it.
S.R. (Portland, ME)
I am a new subscriber and eleven years old. Even though I don't
understand all of your articles, I enjoy the ones I can under­
stand. Please put more articles about science in. I like them
the most.
S.N. (Cincinnati, OH)
I think your magazine is a neat one. Every issue has interesting
articles and informative pictures. I think that it takes a real
nice person to collect all the material and put it out for free.
I am only twelve and don't know much about politics, but I want to
learn and The PLAIN TRUTH helps me with that. I learn about the
world and the people who live in it.
I'd like to thank Mr. Herbert Armstrong and all the people work­
ing to make mine and other people's lives better. May God bless
you and keep you doing your wonderful job!
J.R. (Seattle, WA)
I'm very sorry for not replying to you before. My fifth grade
teacher gives me too much homework and I just can't find the
time. I want to thank you for all the issues of the magazines you
already sent us. My mother, brother, and I love every page of The
PLAIN TRUTH. I feel bad for not sending any money, but I will as
soon as my mother pays me some of the money she owes me. My
brother is a subscriber, so you can take me off the list since I
can read his.
M.P. (Winter Park, FL)
I'm probably the youngest subscriber to your magazine. I've been
getting your magazine for two years and I've never been bored
with The PLAIN TRUTH magazine yet. It's unique. It's the first
magazine I've ever read that has no ads or commercials. It tells
the "plain truth" about problems and famine.
Whenever I find a subscription of The PLAIN TRUTH in my mailbox,
I rush into the house and read it before I do anything else. It
helps me with my history, because it not only goes into time, it
also tells about the past as well.