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Nearly all "scholars," of course, have come up through the chan�
nel of this world's system of modern education. I suppose we seldom
stop to realize this entire system has been. swaye,
Satan. Never­
theless, a college or university student finds himself suffering from
being mentally and psychologically INTIMIDATED by professors who speak
this "language of scholarship." The professor purposely makes the
student feel uncomfortable and inferior. His own VANITY causes him
to assume a superior attitude. This, in turn, stirs up anew the innate
feeling of inferiority in the student. He begins to want to acquire
this same "SUPERIOR" demeanor and bearing.
However, once a "scholar" he will seldom change his mind. He
is right--he knows he is right--others are wrong--his intellectual
vanity will not let him admit error.
Did you realize that in the world of jurisprudence, a jury of
twelve is always composed of people of common, ordinary background
--and never of "intellectuals" or "scholars"? Reasons? A lawyer
will tell you the "scholar" does not have an open mind--and he will
not change his mind on evidence.
Now the Worldwide Church of God is composed, as was the first­
century Church, of the average, common people--few illiterate, and
very few "intellectuals."
But the theological seminaries, and the universities, especially
on the higher levels, have fallen heir to the attitude, demeanor and
the language of "scholarship." The Bible dictionaries, the commen­
taries, religious encyclopedias, and other such works are all scholarly,
well organized, classified and refined.
I think my son was influenced into engaging in a "scholarly"
project, to re-examine, question, refine (that is, water down and
change) alter, organize and systematize the beliefs and teachings
of tlie Worldwide Church of God--as he and the "scholars" would like
to have them presented.
The entire project was carefully and deliberately kept from me.
Men who might have seen the drift setting in, to COMPROMISE with God's
TRUTH, yet present it in such a scholarly manner that the Chruch would
accept it, were forbidden to contact me or be fired!
Dr. Kuhn, who tells me in writing he wrote most or virtually
all of it, with some input, is a scholar, who, as stated above, had
come more recently among us, compared to such men as Ors. Hoeh, Meredith
and Zimmerman, or Raymond McNair, Dibar Apartian, etc.
Now HOW did Jesus Christ, as HEAD of the Worldwide Church of
God, put HIS truths, doctrines and practices into this Church? The
answer is, through His own chosen apostle!
But my son did not agree with Christ's Apostle. I did not know
of the width of that disagreement. I remember that when I had preached
a sermon, probably as far back as 1955, he strongly disagreed, though
I soon forgot it. I did think he was almost wholly in agreement on
biblical doctrines.