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I am thrilled with the lessons! I have been a member since 1970
and I feel I am still learning the deep, spiritual intent of
God's laws. Mr. Armstrong says we must grow; this is one way to
do it. Anyone who does not take advantage of the correspondence
course is missing a great deal.
D.L.--member (Fresno, CA)
I received my first test card back on my Bible course exam. You
can't imagine the joy I experienced when I opened the envelope
and saw my grade. I take this study very seriously and am so glad
I now can receive more lessons and keep learning. This course is
the most fantastic course I have ever taken. I had some Bible
courses in college, but none of them in any way compares with
this one.
s.c.--co-worker (Nacogdoches, TX)
I have been a student of The Ambassador College Bible Correspon­
dence Course for more than two years. First, I must thank God for
Mr. Armstrong and everyone that put these lessons together. They
are most interesting. I am now up to Lesson 17 and I know I am on
the right track. My eyes have been opened to the truth. Never
before have I understood things as I do now.
G.A.--co-worker (Bronx, NY)
Many thanks for the privilege of taking the Bible correspondence
Before I heard "The WORLD TOMORROW" broadcast, I had
read and studied the Bible for years, and thought I knew it. I
now know I knew nothing about the Bible, or how God wants us to
make use of our lives. Thanks to your Bible course I have been
inspired by God's words and have changed my life and way of liv­
D.D.--co-worker &
prospective member (Benton,
Having completed the first four lessons and the first test, I de­
cided to go back and read the Bible from the beginning. I have
come to the conclusion that your way of studying is definitely
the best. Also, The PLAIN TRUTH is the plain truth. After having
given money to other organizations in the past, I am now going to
tithe to you, as I want to help you get God's truth to more peo­
ple. Thank you for helping me understand the Bible better, and
for the knowledge of the Kingdom to come.
E.B.--donor (Windsor, Ontario)
WOW! I have just completed my first correspondence course les­
son. It is packed with information that I have never realized,
although I have been going to church for over 12 years. I am now
a junior in high school. I received it about a week ago and
haven't had the time to work on it until today. It took me a cou­
ple of good hours to complete and was worth every minute of it!
L.S.--donor (Williamstown, NJ)
I am enjoying the Bible correspondence course you are sending to
me. Every time I finish a lesson I feel so alert and positive
with the truth of Christ and of the Kingdom. I am finally getting
straight answers to questions I've had, and answers to questions
I've never thought of asking.
C.G.--regular (Tyngsboro, MA)