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The increase in the number of people requesting contact with a representa­
tive of God's Church is very encouraging--up 26.2%. Income for November
rose 10.5%, bringing the year-to-date increase to 15.4%.
Final responses from Asian countries to Mr. Armstrong's May, 1984 semi­
annual letter are now being received. So far 7,075 subscribers (20.5% of
the mailing list) have requested the booklet Mr. Armstrong offered--WHERE
READER'S DIGEST ads in Australia and Asian countries throughout 1984 have
been instrumental in bringing many thousands of new readers onto our PLAIN
TRUTH mailing list. So far this year over 29,000 READER'S DIGEST ad re­
sponses have been received.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the Caribbean
"The WORLD TOMORROW" program
is back on the air now that the strike is over, and has been given
a 5:00 p.m. time slot on Sundays. We were greatly encouraged by
the response from the first telecast, which included our office
telephone number at the end of the program. Fifteen calls were
received from all parts of the island and a cross section of the
population. We anticipate continued response with each telecast.
GEORGETOWN, GUYANA--PAUL KRAUTMANN: All the brethren were en­
thused by the Feast and are more resolved to overcome. Prospec­
tive members, as well as the older children of members, are
becoming more serious now as a result of the Feast.
From the United States
DAVENPORT, IA--STEVE NUTZMAN: The series of articles in The
PLAIN TRUTH on child rearing is excellent and much needed by the
families here. We look forward to each new issue. The brethren
are concerned about Mr. Armstrong's health and are praying for
him. The telecast is hard-hitting!
COLUMBIA, MO--RAND MILLICH: Dating and marriage are two areas
that take up much counseling time. The article in the October/
November YOUTH 84 by Mr. Armstrong has helped lay a good founda­
tion for the youth. Some are really having a struggle with the
concept of not getting serious about marriage until at least
after age 20. It is going to take continual education about the
subject and parental support and encouragement.
CANTON, OH--JOHN FOSTER: Please thank Mr. Armstrong for the re­
vision of the marriage ceremony. There have been positive com­
ments from members and relatives over the content. I've used it
now in four weddings, and each time the truth has been preached
about how God looks upon marriage.
PIKEVILLE, KY--FELIX HEIMBERG: Through our local fund-raising
program a member encountered a lady who had been following the
Church's teachings for years and had been keeping the Sabbath,