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Abundant Third Tithe Year Blessings
We continually receive letters from brethren who write
tremendous blessings they received during their third
accounts give ample witness to God's generosity toward
support the widows and other needy in God's Church.
such encouraging letters.
in to tell us of the
tithe years. These
those who faithfully
Following are a few
I can't believe my third tithe year is almost over! This has been
one fabulous year of spiritual growth. Spiritual and physical
blessings have abounded! Maybe it sounds funny, but I hate to
see it end. It is such a special feeling to be in your third
tithe year--there
s a surprise around every corner.... I hope I
never stop being thankful that God called me! There is absolute­
ly nothing in the world that could compare with what I have in
God's Church!
V.B. (Westminster, CA)
God has blessed us in so many ways in this third tithe year. We
have an up-and-down income because my husband is in construction
but this year God has given us enough to keep even and pay third
Plus, He's blessed us with a wood heater that we've
wanted for years, but haven't been able to afford. Our children
also needed braces and we've been able to get them.
We have been blessed so very much and we really want to thank God
for His blessings and thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for showing us
the correct way to observe God's Law.
Mrs. D.S. (Harwood, ND)
This is our third tithe year ending with this Feast. I was bap­
tized in November of 1970 and have to say the third tithe years
get better and better. God blesses us always, even when it's not
a third tithe year, and yet this third tithe year was the most
blest of them all! Words escape me to describe it. God is truly
a loving and merciful God and Father.
Mrs. C.L. (Delmar, DE)
This completes another third tithe year. All praise and honor to
our Great God who keeps His promises to those who do His com­
mands! On top of good health, sound minds, and the privilege of
enjoying the blessings of Abraham's obedience, God has given us
the additional blessings this year of our largest tax refund ever
(about four percent of income) and a salary increase (over 10% of
income). Those who think God gives a raw deal have simply never
yet given Him a fair try with a trusting attitude.
Mrs. D.P. (Tyler, TX)
We began this third tithe year in a classic situation: we were
not really making it very well on my salary as it was, and coming
up with that additional ten percent seemed impossible. Ind�ed,
on paper it was impossible. Furthermore, I knew that very short­
ly after we began our third tithe year, I was going to be laid off
from my job, with no prospects, and a very poor local job market.
We knew that God would not let us slide into bankruptcy, and