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Please continue to pray for Mr. Armstrong and his party on the current trip.
I'm sure he will have much good news to report when he returns. As he has
stated so often, he really appreciates your continued prayers for him and
your diligent service to God's Church.
So again, keep up the good work!
International News
From the German Office The month of October was filled with much Feast
activity. To start with, brethren in the German-speaking area gathered to­
gether at Bonn, Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Hamburg and Hannover, West Germany,
Salzburg, Austria and Zurich, Switzerland for the Day of Atonement. A few
days later, brethren from the German-speaking area traveled either to Brno,
Czechoslovakia or Bonndorf, West Germany for the Feast of Tabernacles.
Feastgoers who attended in Bonndorf (in the Black Forest) were welcomed by
sunshine and temperatures in the 60s. Interestingly, it rained the entire
four weeks prior to the Feast, but throughout the Feast there was sunshine.
Many shopkeepers and hotel owners asked us to stay longer so that the good
weather would stay. Two days after the Feast, the rain returned.
Approximately 1,050 people--the highest attendance ever--attended in Bonn­
dorf, 360 of whom were overseas guests. This was an increase of 200 people
over last year, mostly due to the large number of overseas guests. Regional
Director Frank Schnee commented that these overseas guests add a very wel­
come dimension to the Feast.
One of the highlights during the Feast was the film "The Hearts of the Chil­
dren." Another highlight was a concert evening with the Bodensee Symphony
Orchestra, featuring guest pianist Mrs. Ruth Walter, Professor of Music
from the Big Sandy, Texas campus of Ambassador College. This was without
doubt the cultural highlight of the Feast, and for Bonndorf residents who
attended, the biggest cultural event of the year!
Approximately 360 miles northeast of Bonndorf were 285 feastgoers attending
in Brno, Czechoslovakia. This was also Brno's highest attendance figure.
Brno was host to 200 overseas guests, 100 of whom had the opportunity to
participate in the deluxe sightseeing bus tour just before and after the
Feast. The bus tour took feastgoers from Frankfurt through Munich, Salz­
burg, Vienna and on to Brno. After the Feast, the tour went throug� Prague,
Schonsee, Nuremberg, and then returned to Frankfurt.
There were many different activities in Brno, one of the highlights being a
special dinner in the Hunting Lodge of the Communist party. For the 14
brethren from East Germany, the Feast was a fantastic opportunity to fel­
lowship with other Church members.
Regional Director Frank Schnee, who
with his wife Esther spent three days in Brno (the rest of the time was
spent in Bonndorf) said, "Brno is a fantastic family Feast. Not only is the
spiritual side of the Feast of high quality, but the physical Feast is as