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Additional Postage for Ministerial Envelopes The Mail Processing Center
has been receiving several ministerial expense envelopes with postage
due on them. Please make sure that you have the correct postage on
your envelopes before mailing them as "postage due" can delay your
envelopes for several days or even weeks. We've been working with
Accounting to get the turn-around on expense checks, hall rental checks,
etc. speeded up, but when we don't receive them, we can't process them.
Expenses for those Driving to the January Conference There has been
some confusion regarding the expenses for those that choose to drive
rather than fly. The problem is that we inadvertently left out a state­
ment that the maximum limit for expenses is the lowest cost fare that
could reasonably be obtained from your area.
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
GOOD NEIGHBORS STILL EXIST An interesting letter came into Mail Pro­
cessing recently which shows that there still are a few thoughtful
people in the world. This particular letter was postmarked from Arizona
and involved one of our pre-printed "Worldwide Church of God" envelopes.
Nothing unusual about receiving this type of letter except this one had
a note scribbled on the outside: "Found on a trail in Grand Canyon."
Apparently one of our members on the way to the Feast of Tabernacles
had visited the famous scenic attraction and had lost the letter during
a burro ride down a trail. Thankfully, an alert and thoughtful person
found the letter and mailed it to us. The envelope had not been tampered
with--and still safely inside was our member's tithe check for approxi­
mately $66.00!
Very Good Response From "Modern Romans" Spot Ads Just about 94,000 new
people have been added to the mailing list as a result of the recent
airings of TV spot commercials for the Modern Romans booklet. Sixteen
percent of them have already become PLAIN TRUTH subscribers (about
15,169), and 2,556 have begun to take the Correspondence Course.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE We are at the moment working on our new
Publishing budget for 1979. This is because the Work is now going over
to the calendar year budget system. We are planning to increase our
Newsstand Print budget if funds allow, and are working on several ways
of doing this. Before we increase the PT allotments to each Church
area, each area must make sure it is really efficient in the handling of
its present quota. More on this later.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services