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engineer stopped for some food at McDonald's Restaurant. By mis­
take he left behind a wallet containing
in cash and
cheques in the lobby of the restaurant.
The wallet was found by Darnell and turned over to the manager,
who then turned it over to RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
The engineer, who is on loan to Canada for planning the 1988
Olympics in Calgary, discovered the wallet was missing when he
reached Revelstoke and called back to Salmon Arm.
Roy McArthur, owner of McDonald's, comments that he is very proud
of Darnell. "It was tremendously honest of her to turn that mon­
ey in."
From the Bonn Office The month of August was especially characterized by
much activity in the local Churches of the German-speaking area, which in­
cluded YOU/YES activities, church outings and a visit from minister and
Media Services employee John Halford.
Mr. Halford came to Bonn on Saturday, August 4 to speak to the combined Bonn
and Duesseldorf churches. Visitors from other areas such as Darmstadt were
also present.
The Pasadena camera crew, which had traveled to Frankfurt
with Mr. Halford earlier, was taken to the French SEP camp (Morange,
France) by Regional Director Frank Schnee to do some filming. Twelve young
people from the German-speaking area had the opportunity to attend this
camp and overall comments were very positive, with the youngsters looking
forward to returning next year.
Two hundred thirty-eight people were present on the last Sabbath of August
for the first gathering ever of the Swi·
ss churches from the German and
French-speaking areas. Mr. Bernard Andrist, from the Geneva office, and
the Neuchatel Church traveled to Basel for services. Mr. Andrist took the
morning service and gave a slide presentation on the churches in French­
speaking Black Africa. The French language presentation was translated in­
to German using infra-red translation equipment. A pot-luck lunch was then
followed by afternoon services in German.
Incoming mail increased remarkably in August, considering that it is vaca­
tion time for many Germans. Total incoming mail was up 156% over August of
1983. This sharp increase resulted mainly from a letter sent to co-workers
and donors offering Mr. Herbert
Armstrong's new booklet, A WORLD HELD
Solicited mail was up 389% over last August, again due to the
large response to the letter.
The month-to-date mail income was up 16.8% over last year and the year-to­
date mail income is up 13.2%.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the Caribbean
HAMILTON, BERMUDA--CECIL PULLEY: Mr. Waterhouse's visit has given
the local church a real shot in the arm. Members are still very
excited and a lot of renewed interest is being shown in the top­
ics which he covered. Our PLAIN TRUTH newsstand distribution is
still going well, and we are now back on local radio, so that
should provide us with additional exposure locally.