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Church Literature Helps Those With Limited Education
Some who begin studying our literature have not had a great deal of school­
ing. Even though their formal education is limited, these people are eager
to know more of God's Word and His ways. They appreciate our literature be­
in a clear
and understandable
We thought you
would find the following letters from such readers interesting:
I would like to say thank you with all my heart for helping me to
learn more about the Bible. I only finished the fourth grade in
school so my reading and spelling are not that good, but I will
try to write this letter the best I can and tell you how much it
means to me to learn God's Word. Thank you for making it easy to
read for me and many like me. Not that it is all that easy, but I
hope you will know what I mean.
To write this letter I must take words out of your correspondence
course and from letters other students sent in. I hope you don't
mind. Please go on with your good work so that I may learn more
about God.
F.W. (Bunnell, FL)
Maybe you've noticed by now--! keep sending for more and more of
your booklets. I only completed seventh grade, but certainly
feel that I'm getting a good education now, thanks to God and to
you people at the Worldwide Church of God. I keep all my book­
lets, magazines and Bible correspondence course lessons filed
away, then go back and read them over and over. I just can't seem
to get enough.
B.C. (Yadkinville, NC)
I'm so
pleased with your TV program,
TRUTH. They are enlightening and make one understand how cruel
the world has become. You bring us such divine wisdom and under­
standing so we can be well aware of what is going on. I often
wonder why the big ones in Washington, as well as in the Kremlin,
either don't care or don't have the common sense to see where we
are going. I'm just a little foreign born Dane with not too much
education and some lack of English, but I can still see that
the�e is something wrong.
V.K. (Los Angeles, CA)
I didn't get enough education in school--eighth grade was the
highest we had living on the reservation back in 1940. Just lis­
tening to you over the radio and reading The PLAIN TRUTH, The
GOOD NEWS and your other literature gives me the education I need
for the world tomorrow.
E.C. (White River, AZ)
I want to express my appreciation to the people who make all the
information possible for people like myself and others that don't
have a lot of education. We yearn to learn but it wouldn't be
possible except for people like you Mr. Armstrong and your staff.
I know it takes a lot of money and people dedicated to God's work
to do it. I haven't seen so many ways to learn or so much litera­
ture for the asking anywhere else.