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Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From Australia
PERTH, WA--BOB REGAZZOLI: The number of new contacts increased
this month, and PM activity is building up. It was good to hear
another message from Mr. Armstrong about world conditions and
Most of the members are watching world conditions
well. We received a call from a major Perth hospital saying how
much they appreciated the 30 copies of The PLAIN TRUTH per month
being received, and would be happy to double the number and re­
ceive 60 copies of YOUTH 84 as well.
SYDNEY (NORTH), NSW--TERRY VILLIERS: Both taped sermons have
evoked positive comments from the brethren, with some immediately
starting a review of THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL. Members are
continuing to seek counseling on sorting out the priorities in
their lives and solving their problems.
TEMORA-WAGGA, NSW--BRUCE DEAN: We had two Ambassador College stu­
dents in this church area for about seven weeks. They certainly
set a good example of what AC is trying to achieve. They joined
in local activities and got on well with the whole Church. Also,
I think they were good for the young people.
MACKAY, QLD--OREST SOLYMA: Good enthusiasm and results have come
due to the waiting room programme. Overall, there are good signs
in the Church--extra efforts in the newsstand programme; positive
results from Bible study attendance and application.
Over the J? ast several months, we
have seen a number of people request a visit for the first time.
For the most part, they have been genuinely interested in seeking
God's way. The Church has been most encouraged to see some new
faces appear at services.
BENDIGO, VIC--KARL KARLOV: Two recently added prospective member
families are continuing a very high level of involvement and are
intending to attend the Feast of Tabernacles. Meanwhile, several
very promising new people--not yet PMs--are being visited and are
likely to be invited to services soon. This influx of new people
is reflected in steadily increasing attendance figures throughout
the year so far, and in the attitude of the Church as a whole.
I spent six days visiting in the
Wollongong area after the NSW Ministerial Conference. After the
sermon I had given on overcoming (based on notes from the confer­
ence), many expressed a readiness to overcome. I have had the
closest rapport with the Church since I have been pastoring
BALLARAT, VIC--KARL KARLOV: Quality new visits are continuing,
with one new person having been invited to Church, and another
probably soon. The brethren found Mr. Morton's presentation in
Melbourne very encouraging.