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drag racing with his buddy. I received CPR and oxygen and on the
way to the hospital had to be revived several more times. They
didn't hold out much hope for me. As it turned out, I had no
broken bones or internal injuries. I did receive ten stitches in
my scalp. I was up and walking one month later.
J.L. (Cliffwood, NJ)
Enclosed is a thank offering for an answered prayer. Recently, I
used my personal video cassette recorder at school for one of my
classes. We had a faculty meeting after school and I forgot to go
back to the room and get my recorder. On the way home (30 miles
away), I remembered it and since it was too far to return, I asked
God to protect it.
The next day when I walked into the classroom, the first thing I
noticed was that the school's video equipment had been stolen.
During the night someone broke into the room and took the TV mon­
itor, camera and recorder but my recorder was still sitting
there--two feet from the empty cart. Furthermore, they took the
school's camera off of my tripod and left the tripod.
About a month later, in another answer to prayer, the school's
equipment (which is under my direct control) was returned during
the night. God still performs many miracles and answers prayers.
Thanks be to Him.
W.G. (Tucson, AZ)
Today God's miraculous power saved me from certain death or great
injury. I own a John Deere garden tractor with a 48-inch mower
deck. The combined weight of the two is in excess of 1000 pounds.
The tractor was scheduled for service maintenance today.
While attempting to load the machine on the back of my pick-up
truck, the loading ramp collapsed, flipping the tractor and me
upside down. I fell down and landed on my back on the splintered
loading ramp only to look up and see the tractor falling directly
on top of me. I raised my hands in the air, caught the tractor by
the hood and held it in the air above my head for several seconds.
After calling for my wife, I attempted to shift my body out of
line to drop the tractor to the ground. The tractor ever so gent­
ly lowered to the ground, pinning my leg only, which was easily
freed. Only the great hand of God and His mighty power could have
given me strength to hold the tractor in the air above my body.
The iron seat was bent in two, the steering wheel broke against
my stomach, the hood, lights and dash all were damaged. My sun
glasses were smashed flat, yet I suffered absolutely no cuts or
broken bones. Except for some sore muscles, God Almighty pro­
tected me from harm. I praise God for loving me so much to look
after me every second of every day. I now realize the great im­
portance to daily put on the full armor of God, daily pray and
talk with Him.
J.T. (Kennewick, WA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center