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On a recent trip to Europe, via Toronto, I was able to meet with an adver­
tising agent responsible for placement of display islands in the world's
airports. This contact has opened up a new avenue for the international
In the month since our meeting, 12 such displays promoting The PLAIN TRUTH
and carrying racks with sample copies have been ordered for several Cana­
dian airports. The agent is now working on several European airports, be­
fore extending the program to many other major airports.
In the United States, such displays can now be found in over 70 locations
with high density traffic and have proved a very successful means of dis­
tributing The PLAIN TRUTH.
--David Hulme, Media Purchasing
3.5 Million Copies of U.S. AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY Distributed
The UNIT�D STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY continues to be the Church's most
requested publication {other than The PLAIN TRUTH). More than 3.5 million
copies have been sent out since 1958 (which is as far back as our records
go). This year alone 339,473 books have been requested. The last two tele­
casts offering it brought in more than 25,000 requests.
If all 3.5 million books were loaded onto a train, they would fill 21 large
boxcars and weigh 2,000,000 poundsl If placed in a single stack, they would
tower 26 miles high.
Many readers have said that the knowledge of the identity of the U.S. and
Britain is the most astounding information they have ever come across.
People frequently mention reading the book over several times and often re­
quest additional copies for family and friends. Following are a few of the
many comments we have received:
This is my first time writing to you, although I have heard your
broadcasts since I was a small child. Just last summer I took the
time after all these years to really read your literature and ab­
sorb just what you were saying. I believe your book THE UNITED
STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY to be the most inspiring religious
publication I have ever read outside of the Bible. I believe you
really have the answers and the true interpretation of Scripture
and Bible prophecy.
(Nashville, TN}
In the past I've flipped through the channels and come across Mr.
I asked for and received THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITAIN IN PROPHECY. I have a master's degree in Bible, but have
learned more in the first two chapters of your book than in all my
college classes. Even though we covered every book in the Bible,
it never harmonized. But it does now.
J.P. (Ada, OK)
I've just finished reading your book THE UNITED STATES AND BRI­
TAIN IN PROPHECY. I've never been more excited about anything in