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co-worker response to an offer of one free book per household has been
exceptional. In just two weeks, 27% of all our co-workers have requested
the book!
New Record For "Co-Worker Newsletter" In the last Pastors' Report we
mentioned how well response was corning in from donors and co-workers
for article reprints which are offered with "The Co-Worker News­
letter." Final figures are now in for our latest article offers,
and the "Biblical Prophecy" series has set a new record! Over 19% of
the co-workers requested the article series. This is the most
response ·from co-workers that a literature offer sent with the "News­
letter" has ever received. It shows that people are concerned about
the future and the uncertainty of the world we live in. The literature
published by God's Work can answer some of the perplexing issues
facing them, and point them toward the REAL solutions which are pro­
vided by the Government of God!
The mail has been relatively steady throughout the month of November,
although it is slightly lower than last year. As of November 16,
approximately 1,600,000 letters have been received for the year.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE Good things are still h�ppening with the PT
Newsstand Program. We are at the moment printing new newsstand
subscription response cards for the next three issues and we have
designed things so that we will be able to tabulate response on an
issue·by issue basis. This will give us, among other things, valuable
information regarding the type of editorial mix that pulls better than
As mentioned before, we have been evaluating the PT outlets that we
pay for on the basis of their real worth to us as far as the cost per
response goes. For example, the money saved by just using the shops
and newsstands that want our magazine and give us free space will
allow us to print an extra 350,000 magazines 'per year, and at the same
time give us greater distribution!
Now that we are better known by the distributors and the business
community, we find they are corning to us offering their services for
free. This is because they see that the public wants our magazine,
which in turn gives them more business by bringing the public into
their shops and newsstands.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services
letter was received recently by Mr. Rader. It is being reproduced at
Mr. Armstrong's request for the interest of our readers.)
Dear Mr. Rader,
For many months I have wanted to write you and never got
around to it; now however, your daughter's baptism has made an
opportune time. Congratulations to you and Carol. It must be
a huge pleasure to have a daughter who is no longer only a lovely
physical daughter, but now is also your spiritual sister in Jesus
Christ. What a tremendous blessing! If it be God's will in