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Excellent Summer Response to "U.S. & Britain" Telecast
The telecast "The United States and Britain in Prophecy," which aired July
14-15, brought in 10,105 calls. This was the second-highest response ever
received during the summer months. It was also 54% higher than the weekend
average this summer.
Many callers were amazed at the Biblical proofs identifying the Anglo-Saxon
peoples, and were eager to receive THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPH­
ECY. One interested minister called, saying he was part of a group of mini­
sters researching America's history.
Co-worker Letter Response Highest in Five Years
Co-worker response to Mr. Armstrong's June 15 letter, which offered volumes
I and II of The BIBLE STORY to U.S. co-workers, is the best in the past five
years. After just two weeks, one-fourth of all our co-workers requested
copies. Many sent donations and some offered to pay for them. The final
response is expected to exceed 40%.
Long-tim0 Readers See Fulfillment of Bible Prophecies
Many of our readers have been in contact with God's Church for a number of
years. They are beginning to recognize that the things the Church has said
about Bible prophecies are corning to pass.
They are often amazed and
prompted to take our publications more seriously. Following are some of
the comments received from subscribers around the world:
I would like to thank you for your free magazine which I've re­
ceived for some years now.
The anniversary issue especially
stirred me to go back and read some of the previous editions. It
is interesting to see how some of your predictions based on the
Bible from 15 years ago are coming to pass more and more today.
For example, developments in Europe and the Middle East, the in­
creasing pollution of our planet, increasing natural disasters,
especially in America, etc. Since
can't pay for my subscrip­
tion, I would like to give you the enclosed donation to support
your work.
R.G. (Bielefeld, WEST GERMANY)
Twenty years ago you predicted a balance of trade deficit which
would overwhelm our economy to the point of no return. This is
corning to pass now. You were right! Please write in a forth­
coming article in The PLAIN TRUTH about this balance of trade
deficit and what is in the offing. It could be a disaster to
America to say the least. So many of your predictions have come
true, we know the Great God has given you insight.
Mrs. F. (Bentonville, AR)
I totally agree that we all really need a magazine of under­
standing and The PLAIN TRUTH is that magazine. I was a listener
to your program in the 1960s and the last magazine I received was
in 1965 due to a change of address.