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Also in the line of march will be Sister Boom Boom, a transves­
tite "nun," and other members of his/her group, the so-called
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Dykes on Bykes, a lesbian group
whose members ride motorcycles, won't be in the march this time.
"It will be a long march and we feared their bikes might get over­
heated," says a spokesman for the gay community.
The National March for Lesbian/Gay Rights may be the most
dramatic demonstration here just before and during the national
convention but it hardly will be the only one.
More than 35
groups have received permits to demonstrate outside the conven­
tion center in an 11-acre parking lot reserved just for them....
Coyote, the prostitutes' trade association, is already here. The
group held its annual Hookers' Ball here Tuesday night.
Women's Guerrilla Theater, a group that specializes in political
satire, will perform irregularly and at random during the conven­
tion on buses, subways and trolley cars.
Bi-Pol, a group favoring bisexual activity, will rally in front
of the Moscone Center just hours before the gays and lesbians ar­
rive. The bisexual activists argue the � and lesbians dis­
criminate against them.
Marijuana Bastille Day will be celebrated Saturday. Thousands of
pot smokers will arrive at the Moscone parking lot and demand
that marijuana be legalized. Some of them will be costumed in
marijuana leaves ••••
Gays already have won significant victories. The proposed Demo­
cratic Party platform, for the first time, mentions "�" and
"lesbians" specifically. "The Democrats have met eight of our 12
demands," says Mr. Boneberg. "Our major concern is increased
funding for research into the causes of AIDS.
That's in the
What the gays seek most now is attention. Allen White, a gay
spokesman, says the networks never covered the nomination of a
gay man for vice president at the last Democratic convention.
"If 10% of the population is gay or lesbian, the idea of a gay
person being nominated should be news. Now we're in San Fran­
cisco, the gay mecca, the gay capital of the world, and we won't
be bypassed again," Mr. White says. It is possible, gay leaders
say, that a gay or a lesbian will again be nominated for vice
president. The Oregon delegation may take the lead, they hint.
Two More Demonic Films Are Box Office Smashes
In the PGR of June 29, 1984 we described the summer's first violence-filled
box office smash-hit in the United States, INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF
DOOM. On its heels came two other weird films. One movie is GREMLINS, all
about devilish creatures (portrayed by Star Wars-type muppets) set loose to
prey upon an unsuspecting community. A reviewer in TIME magazine, June 25,
In GREMLINS, a fantasy co-produced by Spielberg and directed by
Joe Dante, a boy's cuddly, otherworldly pet spawns a generation