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Why? Quite simple. Mr. Jackson, no matter his anti-Semitism, is
indispensable to defeating Ronald Reagan; and we have it on the
testimony of Gary Hart that the defeat of Mr. Reagan is "the
moral imperative" of our time....
The Jewish community is less than 3 percent of the U.S. popula­
tion, and dwindling; its vote is likely to go 2-1 at best for Mr.
Mondale. The black population, however, is 12 percent of the
U.S. total and its vote could well go 19-1 against Mr. Reagan.
Get the point? If Mr. Mondale should come down hard on Mr. Jack­
son the way he and his friends came down on Jim Watt, it could
queer [spoil} any chance Mr. Mondale has of ever becoming
president of the United States....
What is going on, very much in the open now, is the introduction
into American politics of an anti-American, Third World ideology
--through the candidacy of Mr. Jackson. There is good reason why
the world's leading anti-Semites and anti-Americans go out of
their way to advance the political fortunes of Mr. Jackson, why
Yassir Arafat embraces him as a brother, why the Arab League fun­
nel� hundreds of thousands of dollars into his Chicago organiza­
tion, why Syria's President Assad boosts his prestige by de-
1ivering up an American pilot, why Castro carves emaciated
prisoners out of his vast herd and delivers them up, gratis, to
Mr. Jackson. Because they are all revolutionary soul brothers in
the same great cause--freeing mankind from the oppressive weight
EEeracist, militarist, neocolonialist, imperialist r ower
structure of Western capitalism, whose vilest excrescences out­
growths 1 are the Republic of South Africa and the state of
With regard to South Africa, Jesse Jackson is demanding that the Democrats,
in their foreign policy platform, include a call for sanctions on U.s.
business ties with that country. He also claims that the two countries he
wants to visit on his next "peace mission" are South Africa and the Soviet
Union. He would like to obtain the release of Nelson Mandela, former head
of the outlawed African National Congress, in prison for subversive
activities, and Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov, plus a few Soviet Jews
for good measure in order to restore his standing with American Jewry. For
more on Jesse Jackson's radical views of foreign affairs, George F. Will
had this to say in the July 4 LOS ANGELES TIMES:
Jesse Jackson•..found in Nicaragua a regime that he considers a
flower of creation. The regime has never permitted an election,
boasts of exporting war to El Salvador and has concentration
camps for persons who are unreconciled to it. Jackson praised it
for marching toward "democracy, peace and reconciliation."
Jackson's propensity for historical parallels is always
entertaining, and never more so than when, on ABC's "This Week
with David Brinkley," he explained that Nicaragua's Sandinista
dictators are doing better than America's Founding Fathers did.
The Sandinistas have wielded dictatorial power for only five
years, whereas "the gap between American independence, a
revolution from Britain in 1776 and a President being elected in
1789 was 13 years." For America, as for the Sandinistas, "the