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Minister's Signature Needed for WN Engagement Announcements
Thus far this year the WORLDWIDE NEWS staff has received a record number of
last-minute cancellations for engagement announcements. While we want to
make every effort to share the joy of a newly engaged couple with the rest
of God's Church, last-minute cancellations are costly both in time and
Therefore, a minister's signature will now be required on all engagement
announcements. Further, to lessen the cost and time required to replace a
cancelled engagement notice, The WORLDWIDE NEWS no longer will print photo­
graphs of either the bride-to-be or the engaged couple. The couple may con­
tinue to send an appropriate photograph with their wedding announcement if
they desire.
The above information will be printed in The WORLDWIDE NEWS. We would also
like to remind the brethren that all local church news items and obituary
announcements must also have a--m1nister's signature before they are
printed. Thanks for your help!
--Dexter H. Faulkner, Managing Editor
Manhattan Newsstand Distribution Continues at High Level
Each day hundreds of thousands of commuters pass through the busy rail
stations of Manhattan, New York, on their way to and from work. Many of
them are being exposed to the true gospel message. Over 56,000 copies of
The PLAIN TRUTH are being distributed monthly through the lighted display
islands and the Elson's Gift Shops in these important transportation
centers. In Pennsylvania Station alone, 20,000 copies of The PLAIN TRUTH
are distributed through two display islands and an additional 14,000
magazines are distributed through Elson's Gift Shops there each month.
Through Grand Central Station a total of 7,800 copies are distributed each
month. The World Trade Center display island distributes 5,000 and the
Port Authority Bus Station 8,000. An additional 10,000 copies are distrib­
uted through the "Good Neighbor" Supermarket Distribution and the regular
Newsstand Program in the Manhattan area. The exciting news of God's coming
Kingdom is clearly touching the lives of many in one of the most populous
cities in the world.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
Over 1,000 New CC Students Added Per Working Day in the U.S.
PLAIN TRUTH and booklet advertising continues to draw record numbers of new
students to the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course.
January to May of this year 121,224 people began the course. This is the
highest count ever for a five-month period and a 26% increase over last
year's record count. It also averages out to more than 1,000 new adds each
working day!