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LAFAYETTE, IN--DAN FRICKE: The Ministerial Refreshing Program
has proven not only to be scintillating to the ministry, it is
generating ongoing interest and excitement in the members.
Realizing they are receiving the core of material given to the
ministry at the Refresher causes a recharging of their spiritual
batteries just as it does for the ministry. The MRP is having a
very positive impact on the whole Church.
MONROE, LA--BRISCOE ELLETT: We recently had a great door opened
to us for the PT Newsstand Program.
A regional manager for a
chain of 15 stores gave us approval to go in all of his stores!
We could barely contain our glee as we left his office. Many PMs
are showing solid interest and growth. It stimulates us all!
PASADENA (SPANISH), CA--RAUL RAMOS: Mr. Flores' death came as a
surprise to many of the brethren but their faith has remained
They were encouraged by Mr. Robin Webber's funeral
service and Mrs. Flores' strong example. Her involvement in the
food preparation for the Chili Cook-off concession stand had a
positive effect on the brethren.
LAKE CRYSTAL, MN--VICTOR KUBIK: One of our new PMs who had a
problem with alcoholism came in contact with God's Church in an
unusual way. One Saturday night he came home despondently drunk,
turned on the TV and passed out. He was awakened by Mr. Armstrong
at 7:00 a.m. and took note of what Mr. Armstrong said. He wrote
in for the literature and subsequently became involved in the
Church. He now attends services and wants to be baptized.
From the Caribbean
of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount. It has shown the Church
here the depth of the spirit of the law and the need to clean the
inside of the cup more than polishing the outside. It has cer­
tainly produced significant spiritual growth among the members,
and I hope and pray that this growth continues.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS--KINGSLEY MATHER: The brethren are in high
spirits about the summer camp in Eleuthera and the Feast of Tab­
ernacles in Freeport. God continues to bless His Church with new
PMs. It appears that 1984 will be a banner year for growth.
KINGSTON, JAMAICA--CHARLES B. FLEMING: The single biggest pres­
sure on the membership as a whole is the worsening of the eco­
nomic situation.
Since December of last year, the dollar has
been devalued 56%. In addition, many of the basic foods that the
government used to subsidize are no longer subsidized, so
inflation is almost unbelievable.
The price of the most
economical meat--chicken--has increased three times already this
year. In addition, an outbreak of violence involving the use of
M16 and AK47 assault rifles is greatly troubling the people,
since the police were not able to contain it. We are all praying
that we do not see a recurrence of the violence of 1979-80.