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S REPORT, JUNE 1, 1984
Mr. Farrakhan's language has always been fiery. He has referred
to whites as "devils" and criticized blacks and whites who
favored integration. He has reserved some of his most scathing
language for such black organizations as the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Urban League
and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, as well as
The SO-year-old son of a Baptist minister, Mr. Farrakhan was born
Louis Wolcott, and has been a Black Muslim since the 1950s when,
as a calypso singer in Boston, he was recruited into the Nation
of Islam by its best-known leader, Malcom X. He took the name
Louis X and later changed that to Louis Farrakhan. Following Mr.
Muhammad's death in 1975, his son, W. Deen Muhammad, renounced
the black supremacy and separatist teachings of his father and
transformed the organization, now called the American Muslim
Mission, into an orthodox religious entity. Mr. Farrakhan left
with a band of followers to establish his own Nation of Islam to
continue Elijah Muhammad's teachings ••••
Last February, Mayor Marion
Berry Jr. of Washington proclaimed
"Louis Farrakhan Day" and at a youth rally introduced him as "one
of the single most significant spokespersons for the dispossessed
and the downtrodden." Mr. Farrakhan
s message is that blacks
have been in bondage in America and that whites have oppressed
blacks for 400 years.
He says whites have deliberately kept
blacks divided, bereft of any knowledge of their African heritage
and "mentally, economically and politically dead."
New information from Mr. Farrakhan's March 11 speech, in which he threat­
ened the WASHINGTON POST reporter, has now come out. In it, he also pre­
dicted--almost incited, it would appear--race wars a couple of years down
the road. Here is a UPI report from May 26:
Black Muslim minister Louis Farrakhan..• is predicting cataclys­
mic race wars led by street gang "warriors," it was reported
Saturday. During the broadcast portion of a March 11 speech,
Farrakhan called Adolf Hitler a "very great man" and made an im­
plied threat to a WASHINGTON POST reporter..•the CHICAGO TRIBUNE
The TRIBUNE, which recently obtained a tape recording of the en­
tire speech, said Farrakhan went on to describe street gang mem­
bers as "born warriors for true liberation (who are) awaiting the
voice of the Messiah." Farrakhan said urban street gangs "are
going to play a very important part in supporting and defending
the black community." He told the group he expects race wars to
break out
1986, the TRIBUNE said.
Although his spokesmen say Farrakhan bears no malice toward
whites, in a nonbroadcast portion of the March 11 speech, the
religious leader warned: "We were born to settle the score. Some
of the whites are going t�live: maybe� few, quite a few. But
(God) doesn't want them living with us. He has called us out for
His glory, and He doesn't want us mixing ourselves up with the
slavemaster's children whose time of doom has arrived."