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Holy Day Offering Reports for the U.S.
With Pentecost fast approaching, we would once again like to remind each
church pastor of the importance of phoning in preliminary holy day offering
reports promptly. As you know, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Neff, Mr. Tkach, our
accountants, and others need to have this information as soon as possible.
Please call first thing Monday morning, June 11. You may use our regular
WATS number (800) 423-4444. Those in Alaska or Hawaii should call (818)
304-6111 collect.
We would also like to extend our hearty thanks for your cooperation in re­
porting the offerings for the Days of Unleavened Bread. Nearly all of the
information was furnished on time, which enabled us to make our reports on
Readers and Viewers Inspired to Study Their Bibles
It is encouraging to read letters from readers and viewers who have taken
Mr. Armstrong's advice to "blow the dust off of their Bibles" and begin to
understand God's Word. Using "The WORLD TOMORROW" program and our litera­
ture as guides, many are having their eyes opened to the truth. The fol­
lowing comments from letters describe some of their reactions:
Your teaching and beautiful literature have given me much wisdom.
Now I read my Bible daily and put God first in my life. Before I
do anything, I ask for guidance from Hirn. Every week night, I
turn on my radio to hear the program, and watch it on TV Sunday
evenings. The program is so impressive. I read the scriptures
Now that God is in our home, my daughter has started
reading her Bible daily. God sent you to us and changed our
G.B. (Stamford, CT)
I am excited, fascinated, and fired up by The PLAIN TRUTH maga­
zine. When I read it along with the Bible, the words come alive.
The PLAIN TRUTH encourages me to study the Bible instead of just
reading it. Your articles are always inforrnative, timely and
educational. I've learned so much just reading your magazine and
referring back to the Bible. Someplace in the New Testament it
says, "Those who observe the commandments and teach others to do
so, shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven." The PLAIN
TRUTH magazine is the greatest!
J.B. (Los Angeles, CA)
Your free publications and Sunday program have helped us to
strengthen our faith and Christian beliefs. We are gaining un­
limited knowledge from the Holy Bible--which your publications
have helped us to understand more of. When so many churches
teach muffled versions of the Word of God, it's difficult for one
to comprehend what God intends us to know. The fact that you say,
"Don't take someone's word; don't take my word; read it for your­
self," has helped us to open the pages to the most important Book
of our lives.
L.& B.B. (Columbus, OH)