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Enclosed are the last tithes and offerings from my part-time job.
quit my job to be a full-time homemaker. Since I quit, my hus­
band, after working night shift for almost five years, was
suddenly put on day shift. He has been given more overtime than
ever before. He now makes more money in two hours overtime than I
made in one week at my part-time job. God has really blessed us
for paying our tithes and trusting Him.
S.M. (Marysville, OH)
Our son Earl started a new job about four or five weeks ago. When
he was there for three days they asked him to work on Saturday.
He said no because he observes the Sabbath. He was told that his
job could be in jeopardy because of it and was in fact fired.
The next day, Earl talked to the ministers about it. Then on
Friday he decided he would stop by the place where he got fired
and ask the man to put down in writing why
was fired. The man
took him to someone else higher up and this man asked Earl if he
was told they work on Saturdays before he was hired and he said
This man also told Earl that he could get his job back
(especially when he found out that he did up to two days work in
one day).
He also told the other man that they could be in
serious trouble for firing him because of the Sabbath and asked
Earl when he wanted to start back to work. He said he would come
back on Monday. It sure was a fast answer to prayer!
Mr. & Mrs. E.B. (Elkhart, IN)
After you answered my first letter's question about keeping the
Sabbath holy, an unusual blessing from God took place in my life
last week. Just when I had consented to God, in prayer, to speak
to my boss about taking Friday evenings off, my boss told me that
same day to take Fridays off because his customers would be
watching sports on TV. My heart dropped to my feet. God had in­
tervened where I hesitated. It really strengthened my faith in
Jesus Christ.
B.L. (Taunton, MA)
As I am employed as a construction worker, I have never been able
to predict my income with any degree of accuracy due to the
capriciousness of the economy. However, my current second tithe
savings at this mid-year point shows I have earned much more than
ever before in my forty years. I am both thrilled and amazed at
God's blessing!
It is, therefore, with sincere joy that I send you my tithe of the
tithe. Use it to the best advantage for God's great festivals as
He has truly opened the windows of blessing on myself and my
G.S. (Portland, OR)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center