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Body of Christ as spotless and blameless as possible, than to worry
whether or not "people know who I
In sincere efforts to assist Mr. Armstrong in bringing unity,
support for one another and a spirit of cooperation to the team assist­
ing and supporting Mr. Armstrong at Headquarters, just a couple of weeks
ago I called all the top ministers in Pasadena together for a meeting
so we could get feelings and criticisms toward each other out and on top
of the table. We talked for well over three hours. We felt some progress
was made. But more progress needs to be made.
But, fellow ministers, with all the firmness and strength necessary,
I am going to do whatever is called for to help rebuild the attitude and
conduct that contributes to and makes possible unity, accord, mutual
esteem and respect for one another that results in an efficient, success­
ful, winning team!
Mr. Armstrong has stated the policy and given the direction. He has
delegated the responsibility for implementation and pertormance to
others of us. I have no intentions of failing to do my part whatever it
may be or whatever may be required.
I believe with all my being that the majority of you understand
and appreciate this approach. The Feast of Tabernacles that we observed,
leaving us all with such a resounding belief in the overall strength and
unity of God's Church, is a very clear indication that the approach being
taken is being blessed.
On closing, let me say again as I have rather frequently in recent
months, we all at some time in our past "sold everything, gave all,
even surrendered our own lives and self-will to buy the 'pearl of great
price!'" That pearl encompasses all there is in God's great, equitable
and just plan for all mankind. What, now, is worth selling it for? Does
it have ANY price?
want to
is up to each one of us to put into practice the concepts in this
We can work together and we· can overcome all obstacles if we
deeply enough and ask God for both His forgiveness and His help!
Wayne Cole