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overseas have written. It is truly inspiring to see this re­
sponse and to see that this truly is the "Worldwide" Church of
(Pasadena Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Commencement exercises for Pasadena graduates were held in Ambassador Audi­
torium on Friday, May 18th at 4:00 p.m. One hundred seventy-two seniors re­
ceived their Bachelor of Arts degrees--making this one of the largest
classes ever, and certainly the largest graduating class since May, 1978.
I was informed that we distributed about 2,000 programs, though we were
only able to seat about 1,300 in the Auditorium.
The rest viewed the
commencement exercises via TV hook-up to the Imperial Gymnasium. Many
friends and relatives of the graduating seniors attended the exercises.
Dr. Herffian L. Hoeh delivered the commencement address both at Pasadena on
Friday, and at Big Sandy on the previous Wednesday. His address was en­
titled: "The Preservation of Cultural Values."
On the Thursday evening previous to graduation, the Grad Ball was held,
sponsored by the junior class. The decorations, music and entertainment
were very fine. The ministers still here after the last session of the
Ministerial Refreshing Program, the local ministers, the faculty, and
managers of major departments were invited.
Then on Friday morning, we had a delightful Graduation Brunch in the
Student Center. Again, all of the graduating seniors and their guests, the
faculty, plus various ministers and their wives were in attendance. Mr.
Armstrong was not present, as he had left for Washington, D.C., a
couple of days previously.
This year we held our annual Track and Field Day on Thursday, May 17th.
Again many of the ministers and wives were able to attend this event along
with the students and faculty of Ambassador College. During those sports
events eight new records were set. We did not set any world records, but
overall we were quite pleased that we were able to break so many of our old
Ambassador College records.
On May 23rd, the Big Sandy and Pasadena faculties of Ambassador College,
along with the faculty of Imperial Schools, began attending the Ministerial
Refreshing Program. Shortly after the conclusion of this session, many of
us will scatter over various parts of the earth to serve at S.E.P. in Orr,
Big Sandy and Scotland, the Jerusalem Dig, and other programs.
several of the ministers on the faculty will be going out again during
Pentecost to visit and speak to a number of the churches. We always look
forward to having a few days of getting to know a little better the
ministers, elders, deacons and brethren in the churches which we visit.
We will soon have our annual Retentions Meeting to see which students will
not be able to continue in Ambassador--due to low grades, or due to