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I am presently coming in on the home stretch in writing another
book I have decided to title, A VOICE CRIES OUT AMID RELIGIOUS
CONFUSION. It will also present absolute PROOFS of the one true
church--as well as SEVEN TRUTHS that decry religious confusion. This
book will cover a certain amount of the same ground as the present
book, but with an entirely different approach. I hope to have it
in book stores by May or June.
Others on the way are The 7 Laws of Success--a much enlarged
edition, hard cover, and The United States and Britain in Prophecy-­
also updated.
Millions buy books and spend time on books instead of TV and
magazines. The book stores and shops offer us AN ENTIRE NEW OPEN
DOOR--A TOTALLY NEW AUDIENCE to reach in the United States, Canada,
and Britain, and English -speaking countries. If this becomes a big
enough success, we can have the books translated and made available
in other languages.
But be sure to read and study HUMAN POTENTIAL before the next
January conference.
Greetings Again Fellow Ministers:
We had a very fine two-day meeting with the ministers and wives
in Burk McNair's area in the Central Eastern region. Our meetings
were held in an isolated mountainous area near Boone, North Carolina.
Accommodations and facilities were not the "Ritz" to make an under­
statement, but they were adequate at relatively low cost to provide for
a fine get-together. Ken Smylie did a fine job in making arrangements
and we appreciate his efforts.
Both Doris and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to spend some time
with you who were present in casual and relaxing circumstances.
On Sabbath, November 18th, we visited the Charlotte, N.C. Church
and appreciated the opportunity to meet a few more of our brethren. Mr.
and Mrs. Burk McNair (Burk and Suzie to us--and very dear friends) and
their son Mark were exceptionally gracious and kind to us making us
very welcome guests in their home.
Now to a subject very much on my mind and I believe extremely impor­
tant to all of us.
Recently I have been accused of being
"soit and weak" administrator.
My leadership of the ministry has been labeled as indecisive, weak, with­
out firmness,· not specific enough, not direct enough.
In this Pastor's Report it is not my purpose to react to such accusa­
tions, misinformed statements, silly allegations or whatever they might
be labeled. Rather, I would like to devote the space to discussing what
I believe is strength in leadership and management of people and pro­
cesses as opposed to weaknesses.