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I have been a teacher at Maryknoll Convent School for over one
year now. While in transit in Alaska in December of 1979 (on my
way to take up my post here as a French teacher), I was pleased to
find a copy of La PURE VERITE. I enjoyed reading the many differ­
ent articles in that edition, and have used several as teaching
material in class--with a good response from my students. If
possible, we would appreciate very much your sending complimen­
tary copies of each issue. As we have a very strong French de­
partment in our school, I can faithfully promise that each maga­
zine you send will be carefully read.
J.C. (Hong Kong)
A member of our faculty was so impressed with your article en­
titled "What Teachers Wish Parents Knew About Schools" that he
brought a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH to me. The principal and I have
read the article in question and we think that it should be read
by our students' parents.
On December 8th, 1983 we have scheduled our open house activities
and we would like to reproduce the article and make it available
to parents on that day. May I have your permission to do this?
If you would be willing to assist us in this very special way, you
would be performing an invaluable service for our students and
their parents.
Dr. J.W. (Chicago, IL)
Thank you very much for sending The PLAIN TRUTH magazine.
teach Catholic religion, English, and ethics. Your magazine has
already often given me valuable information, new incentive to
look at things differently, and practical material for the school
lessons. I am very interested in further information and would
be happy to receive brochures to give to some of my pupils.
I extend my heartiest congratulations to The PLAIN TRUTH in your
50th year of publication. I have learnt much from the few copies
that I have received. May the Lord bless and prosper you in your
good work. I am looking forward to your free booklets. It would
be a great help to both my mum (a missionary) and I (a Sunday
School teacher). I am often confronted with difficult questions
asked me by my teen-age class, and your booklets would definitely
be a guideline for me.
With great pleasure I received your postcard today.
reading the reader's opinions about KLAR & WAHR, I'm interested
in it too. I'm a German teacher in the Tianjin Foreign Language
Institute. Our Institute has only ordered SPIEGEL and STERN. I
don't have the opportunity to read other magazines. But today
I'm writing to you with much hope and a burning desire to receive
and to read KLAR & WAHR. I believe it will be very useful in my
S.S. (Tianjin, CHINA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center