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From a child on up I wondered how they get three days and three
nights from Friday to Sunday morning, but I never asked anyone
about it.
All my life I've heard it preached from the pulpit.
Mr. Armstrong sheds more light and truth on everything I've
When I get back from Sunday school, I'm going to look up
all the scriptures he gave on the program this morning.
A.M. (Georgia)
I didn't believe what he was saying but then I read it
right there in the Bible.
I really want those two booklets he
offered. I don't want to be deceived anymore. I've been looking
for a religion that is preached from the Bible; not just what men
say or someone else's way.
H.G. (Washington)
I'd rather listen to Mr. Armstrong than go to church.
He really
explains what is in the Bible.
Today, all of a sudden, a light
switched on in my brain.
I understood what the bread and wine
symbolized and its relation to the lamb killed at Passover.
would like to give Mr. Armstrong the biggest hug of thanks!
R.K. (Michigan)
This is my
had never
first time watching The "WORLD TOMORROW" program.
studied my Bible to prove Easter; I just followed
But today's program really disproved my belief in
J.P. (Saginaw, MI)
I think I'm one of many who were shocked by Mr. Armstrong saying
"the resurrection was not on Sunday."
It's something I had never
heard before.
I read the Bible a lot, but this is
resurrection of Christ explained.
know and I want more information on
your booklet.
(Tannersville, NJ}
the first time I've heard the
These are things we need to
this subject. Please send me
D.G. (Massachusetts)
I'm glad Mr. Armstrong spoke about the resurrection.
I've never
felt that Christ or Easter were fully explained.
More pastors
should be speaking on these things.
People should know more
about the Bible--but what they get is what man says.
A.F. (Cleveland, OH)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
PLAIN TRUTH Subscription Circulation Continues to Climb
PLAIN TRUTH subscription circulation continues to show strong growth in the
United States.
The latest figures for the June 1984 issue are up 5% over
May, and up 29% over last year.
The June issue will be mailed to over 2.6
million subscribers in the United States.
In addition, nearly 1.9 million