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We see Satan's "get" mentality permeating both labour and manage­
ment. This is not having a major effect upon the members now, but
it could in the near future.
GEORGETOWN, GUYANA--PAUL KRAUTMANN: Satan seems to be throwing
obstacles and roadblocks wherever we turn. Presently the Church
and individual members have come in for some setbacks and perse­
cution. The "WORLD TOMORROW" program has been taken off the
local radio station. The farm project has had to stop due to a
change in management at the YMCA.
Also, Americans must now
obtain visas to enter Guyana--Mr. Bass probably will not be able
to visit. However, the brethren are taking it all well.
From the United States
The Y.O.U. family weekend held
here this month was quite a success. It was a success because of
the wonderful changes in the attitudes, sportsmanship, and ap­
proach of the players, coaches, and parents. It is obvious that
everyone is striving to be the people that God has revealed to
Mr. Armstrong we should be.
ALBANY, NY--LYLE WELTY: The congregation is growing together as
a family. The new families God has added have inspired so much
more enthusiasm and involvement within the flock. The love and
respect for Mr. Armstrong and the desire to be involved in the
work of the Church is definitely on the upswing.
SANTA FE, NM--WALTER DICKINSON: It is very encouraging to see
the number of prospectives grow in this church area.
television program in Albuquerque is received here and is ap­
parently having a direct effect on this upsurge lately. The mem­
bers all appreciate the program very much and comment on its
power each week. The general attitude of the Church spiritually
is improving, and the increased warmth on the part of the members
is very noticeable.
go visit new PMs
and to have them tell you that their first contact with the
Church was by picking up a PLAIN TRUTH at one of our newsstands.
This certainly shows that the work of the local brethren is
paying off.
HELENA, MT--DAN WHITE: New visit requests have picked up here as
a result of Mr. Armstrong's telecasts, and a high percentage of
the people are very teachable. The new people in the congrega­
tion are very enthusiastic and progressing nicely.
PROVIDENCE, RI--JIM FRANKS: Everything seems to be going well in
the Providence area. We had our best attendance ever for the
winter months. PM activity continues at a very high level. I
received 20 requests in one seven-day period. This is the most I
have ever received.
New visit requests remain very
high, though the number in this area who are willing to repent
and go all the way still remains small.