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3) Mr. Rader is not even ordained, nor do I now, or have I in
the past contemplated ordaining him--yet my son has represented
to the public press that he has already become head of the Work.
All that is ridiculous, aimed at harming God's Work.
Yesterday I received a letter from Mr. Rader, at the moment
in New York, saying his health is not up to par, and all this
stress and strain is wearing on him, and he feels that probably
he should resign. He wants to talk it over with me on his return
this weekend. If his health permits, I shall plead with him to
stay with me, for I NEED HIM AS MY ASSISTANT! He is of in­
estimable value to the Work. His fruits have been good--actually
But the HEAD of this Church is the living JESUS CHRIST!
Sometimes I have to wonder if some of our brethren forget that.
JESUS CHRIST IS A L I VE ! This is NOT the work of MEN--not a
worldly carnal operation or institution! I have had great diffi­
culty in persuading some, even in high places in the Work (no
longer with us) to realize that truth!
And, on the human level, Christ is using me, His Apostle,
as human leader of the Work. And, these past six months, Christ
has through me moved swiftly, dynamically, resolutely, with
AUTHORITY, to turn God's Church, the Work and the college around-­
putting every phase of it BACK ON GOD'S TRACK.
I think that the leadership of Christ's Apostle has amply
demonstrated for all to see, who is the human leader in God's
Work under Christ. Mr. Rader makes no pretentions of anything
like that, and what my son has been saying in the public press,
I regretfully say to you, is his personal spite, antagonism, and
effort at self-justification.
This year's Feast of Tabernacles was revealing PROOF TO ALL
that God's Church has turned the corner--Christ's blessing is once
again upon us--the Work is now surging forward with renewed
vitality and power!
Let us PRAISE THE GREAT MAJESTIC GOD! He is a miracle and
wonder-worker. Jesus Christ is IN this Church, directing and
empowering--AND BLESSING it! Keep praying!
by Herbert W. Armstrong-
When the "Systematic Theology Project" was passed out to all
ministers at last January's conference, I am sure those unauthorized
to have handed it out--or even to have prepared it--intended it to
be an ASSIGNMENT for every minister to read and study thoroughly, for
it was represented to you (falsely) as the official doctrines and
beliefs of the Worldwide Church of God.