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I am writing to tell you how much I have appreciated your books
concerning the Bible. I just finished WHICH DAY IS THE CHRISTIAN
SABBATH? and I feel so enlightened I just want to run out and tell
This book made so many things that were unclear,
clear. I am so happy! I feel that your ministry is getting down
to the bare facts and that's what the world needs.
C.L. (New York, NY)
I have just completed reading THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN
PROPHECY. To express my joy in this revelation is something in
which my vocabulary limits me. All who read this book surely
must have their eyes opened! ..• When my employer returns from a
trip, I'm asking for Saturdays off so that I can keep God's Sab­
bath. I fear for my job, but if it's God's law, then so be it!
S.B. (Livermore, CA)
I have just finished reading WHICH DAY IS THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH?
Needless to say it is a provoking and challenging booklet that
faces the existing churches of the world with a truth that is
cor.trary to their very doctrines; a truth that should deliver
them, but may very well condemn them.
At this present time I believe that there is a separation taking
place. The righteous are being called from out of the presence
of the wicked. Please send a minister who will explain the obli­
gations and/or the requirements to join the Worldwide Church of
God and partake of fellowship with you.
J.D. (Jersey City, NJ)
After hearing you speak on television I sent for and have
it. When I got to the part about the Sabbath I was shocked.
Sunday has always been "the Lord's day."
I went to see my priest to prove you wrong. I asked him what is
the FIRST day of the week according to the Bible? He said, "Why
SUNDAY, the Lord's day." I asked him, "Then which day is the Sab­
bath day?" He said, "Saturday is the Sabbath day." I asked him
if Saturday was the seventh day of the week? He said, "Yes." I
said to him, "Then why don't we worship on the Sabbath or Satur­
day as we are told in the Bible?"
He told me that was Old Testament law which was changed by Jesus
in the New Testament. He told me that Jesus gave His apostle
Peter the power to make changes and "whatever Peter changed on
earth was also changed in heaven" and that at Pentecost, when the
Holy Spirit came to the apostles, Peter changed the Lord's day
from Saturday to Sunday. I have read Peter and could not find
anything about him changing the Sabbath day from Saturday to
Sunday. What I have read shows me that it has not been changed
and is still the seventh day. I have started going to church on
Saturday instead of Sunday and am going to see one of your
P.G. (Astoria, NY)