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READER Is DIGEST, a full-page ad in The NEW ZEALAND LISTENER, and the
distribution of 130,000 newspaper inserts in the March 8th AUCKLAND STAR.
For two months now, experiments have been conducted with the use of the
office phone number at the end of The "WORLD TOMORROW" broadcast on
Auckland's Radio Pacific. Every week a few calls have been received fol­
lowing the program, and all the responses have been very positive.
Zealanders are not as telephone response oriented as are Americans, but
this is certainly a service we can offer to our listeners.
A number of members have recently experienced God's blessing of miraculous
healing. One man recovered from infectious hepatitis, and a young girl re­
covered from pneumonia soon after prayers were requested from the Church.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program III
Dear Mr. Tkach:
On behalf of my wife and me, we thank all of you at Pasadena once
again for your part in this third Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It was very obvious to us, now that God has gotten His Church
"back on the track," the time has come for the train to start
Christ is now fine tuning His bride-to-be, making us
ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb. The train is leaving
the station, and we had better keep up with it or we will be left
The work of Elijah and the turning of the hearts of the fathers to
the children and the children to the fathers was the underlying
foundation of this session.
I am sure that the other men and
their wives went away feeling, as we did, the sense of urgency of
how much closer the end is, and our need to be busier than ever in
fulfilling God's will as outlined by His chosen apostle of the
Philadelphia era.
More than ever before we all can see that from the top down, God's
ministry is one team endeavoring to support His end-time apostle.
Ephesians 4:13 is being fulfilled!
Once again, thanks
inspiration for us
versary Celebration
with Mr. Armstrong.
Greetings Mr. Tkach:
for everything.
It was also a tremendous
to have been a part of the Fiftieth Anni­
of this work and The PLAIN TRUTH magazine
We will cherish it always.
Joel and Pat Lillengreen
Jan and I would like to express our thanks to you and your staff
for another profitable Refreshing Program.
We learned a great
deal and appreciated again the opportunity to be at Headquarters.
We also appreciated the beautiful Ambassador campus to live on
for two weeks. We especially enjoyed being around the students.
It seems that we are getting down to the fine tuning of the
Church, getting us all ready for the last days of the work of