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Inspiring Comments About Unconverted Mates
Occasionally, members with unconverted mates have written and shared some
very inspiring experiences. Wives who are members have told how their hus­
bands have allowed them to tithe or even begun to tithe on their own income.
In some cases, initial hostilities have been melted away and families
brought closer together. Often it is evident that God has begun to work
with the unconverted mate.
Following are some of the comments we have
It is with great joy I am writing this to you today. My husband
is not in the Church. He hasn't been against it, and even tells
people not to eat unclean things. He doesn't keep the Sabbath
yet and doesn't study the Bible but reads the articles in The.
PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS. He says this Church is the only one
that makes any sense. We have struggled financially for years.
My real joy is this--my husband gave a tithe to send to you. He
said he needed help and he didn't know if God would help him, but
he wasn't getting anywhere the way he was going. I read Malachi
3:6-11 to him. Although he doesn't understand the second tithe
yet, I'm still so thankful--God has answered my prayers.
Mrs. J.S. (Burkesville, KY)
My husband, until just recently, refused to have anything to do
with the Church, although he never forbade the children or me to
attend services. And now he has started attending with us and to
tithe also. What a blessing this is as his tenth is many, many
times over what I gave. God has not only allowed us to support
the work of the Church generously, but has showered us with the
very special blessing of bringing our family much closer
together. Truly our Father is so generous with His blessings.
Mrs. D.J. (Richmond Hill, GA)
We hear all kinds of talk about the problems we have with uncon­
verted mates if we are a lone member, so I have to say something
for the ones that try to help. My husband is a wonderful person.
He is not a member, but tries hard to help our children and me in
any way he can when it comes to the Church. If he hears of some­
one having trouble, he's the first to try to help and I thank God
for him. He is a wonderful husband and father. God has been so
very good to me.
Mrs. B.N. (Rockholds, KY)
I am writing to let you know about my unconverted husband. I have
been praying so much that if it be God's will, that He would work
with my husband. Well, last Friday he came home with his pay­
check and said to me, when you send the Church your tithes, send
tithes out of this too. He even told me down to the last 10 cents
how much to send. I was so pleased, because now I know God is
working with him. So here is ten percent of his pay. He listens
to the broadcast, reads all the literature, and reads the Bible.
(Tomahawk, KY)
My unconverted husband was very hostile when he learned about my
attending Sabbath services in 1980. I prayed to God to soften