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available options, considerable time is required in learning
how to use it.
(3) Multiplan is an electronic spreadsheet program.
It can
automate any job where amounts are laid out in columns and
rows (such as an annual budget, broken down by month and
type of expense). VisiCalc is a better known program, but
less flexible.
(By the way, these are not checkbook
balancing or check register programs.)
(4) Crosstalk is a program which allows communication with other
computers if you have a communications port on your computer
and modem to connect it to your telephone.
8. Software and hardware support are vitally important. After following
instructions the best you can, you still may not obtain the expected
results. There are various reasons this might occur, but after you
spend a few hours or days trying to solve the problem, you need someone
to call for assistance.
To reduce your frustration level considerably, make certain the dealer
who sells you the programs can, and will, answer your questions when
you encounter difficulty. Equipment repair should be expected because
items will occasionally break down. As with automobiles, it can be
expensive, and there are both good and bad repair shops. If possible,
ask for recommendations from other people who have been pleased with a
vendor's ability and service.
Although this report is rather long, it is not comprehensive.
evaluating a potential purchase of several thousand dollars, gather as many
facts as possible--don' t be in a hurry. Be certain you can afford. Be
certain you can afford the investment of time and money before buying a
computer. And be sure there is need to justify the move. You don't want
$2,500 worth of equipment to end up in the attic with your slicer/dicer, 23
channel CB radio, and first generation TV games.
If you are serious about purchasing a computer, visit a local computer
store (such as Computerland) and look over the books and magazines avail­
able. One very basic book is THE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO BUYING A PERSONAL
COMPUTER (published by COMPUTE! Books, Greensboro, NC: $3.95).
consult the September 1983 issue of CONSUMER REPORTS (available at most
public libraries). It provides 28 pages of information on home computers.
The following periodicals may also be useful (single issues may be pur­
chased, but if you buy a computer and want to keep informed on recent
developments, you may desire to subscribe to at least one of them):
1. INFOWORLD (Weekly tabloid: $22.95 per year: Box 837, Framingham, MA
2. POPULAR COMPUTING (Monthly magazine: $15 per year: P.O. Box 307,
Martinsville, NJ 08836)
3. BYTE MAGAZINE (Monthly magazine: $21 per year: P.O. Box 590, Martins­
ville, NJ 08836)