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Dear Messrs. Armstrong, Tkach, et al:
Refreshing Program III has continued in the same fine tradition
as its predecessors. There was a good mix of both new and review
material, the latter being presented either from ari"ew angle or
with more depth than previously. It is good to continue to build
on the fine foundations that MRP I and II provided.
We certainly are refreshed by the spiritual direction and physi­
cal change of pace, but each Refreshing Program shows us how much
more there is to do, both in quality and quantity.
another fine program!
Ray and Carol Meyer
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong and the others who made it possible to
have such a meaningful and inspiring Refreshing Program. My wife
and I appreciated the opportunity of attending as it had been two
years since we were there last, and we both agree the refresher
classes were inspired by God to keep the Church on track and in
unity so we all say the same thing around the world.
The beautiful 50th anniversary pins and paperweight along with
many wonderful memories will long be remembered.
Thanks again
for all the updated knowledge that will help us and our Church
Don and Rea Bailey
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Mr. Arm­
strong for the Refreshing Program. It truly was refreshing, in­
spirational and informative.
We could not have been there at a
better time. The international representation of those in atten­
dance, listening to Mr. Armstrong so soon after his trip "down
under," the 50th anniversary celebration, the spirit of unity so
evident among the students and staff, the beautiful setting, the
concerts we attended, the delicious meals and special attention
we were given added so much.
Mary appreciated the luncheon at
Mrs. La Ravia's for the women.
The weather was great.
It was two weeks of living in another
world--symbolic of God's world. Thank you from both of us.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
John and Mary Hillerson
We appreciate Mr. Armstrong's
recent tapes. They are especially encouraging at this time. The
GOOD NEWS and PLAIN TRUTH articles are getting better and better
each month.
We appreciate the efforts of the writers and staff
for the fine job they are doing.