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church history (which expanded our minds beyond our own little
valley): the positive approach to counseling and feeding the
flock: the emphasis on proper childrearing principles and the
importance of fulfilling Malachi 4:5-6: as well as the necessity
of teaching a balanced approach to diet and exercise.
We are more aware than ever before of the daily pressures on you
men at Headquarters and we sincerely appreciate your efforts and
Leonard and Inez Schreiber
Mr. Tkach:
Anna Grace and I certainly want to thank you--and through you,
everyone else--who made such a profitable and enjoyable Session
#1 possible. As a local church elder, it's the first time I've
been able to attend, and I can only repeat what I'm sure you keep
hearing from everyone who has the privilege and opportunity to
attend one of these sessions: the beauty of the campus, and the
unity and dedication of everyone who is working with Mr.
Armstrong, both in the Church and in the College, are only
ref].ections of everyone's submission to Jesus Christ and God the
Father, in doing the work that needs to be done, and in preparing
for the work that yet remains. You have our continuing prayers.
Donald and Anna Grace Lohr
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From Australia
Everyone was very
thusiastic to see and hear Mr. Armstrong and encouraged that he
would come to Melbourne.
We had complete cooperation and par­
ticipation from all the surrounding churches.
It seems we all
have a renewed zeal as a result of his visit.
MORWELL, VIC--PETER WHITTING: Mr. Herbert Armstrong's visit was
extremely positive and uplifting, providing a tremendous start to
His comments relating to our youth have inspired and
alerted the brethren to be more conscientious of their God-given
CANBERRA, ACT--ROD KING: The Canberra Church is responding well
to Mr. Armstrong's latest emphasis--the importance of our youth
to God. Many picked up the point in his latest co-worker letter
that this could well be the last area that God will restore be­
fore the end. Twenty-one people traveled nine hours to Melbourne
to hear Mr. Armstrong, while most of the remainder of the church
went to Sydney to hear him via the landline.
GRAFTON, NSW--BILL SIDNEY: The highlight of the month was the
trip to Brisbane to attend the Bible study conducted by Mr.
We hired two buses. Many members and PMs traveled up
to eight hours or more one way to hear Mr. Armstrong.