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God's Sacred Calendar for 1984-85 to Be Mailed Shortly
A new edition of God's Sacred Calendar has been prepared, and plans now call
for it to be mailed to all member heads-of-households during the month of
March. This year, the new calendar contains beautiful color photographs
and interesting background information about God's calendar.
Booklets Have Powerful Impact!
Most of us in God's Church can probably remember one or two booklets that
especially caught our attention during the initial stages of our spiritual
education. Many of our readers are prompted to write in after a particular
booklet has brought them great enlightenment or taught a valuable lesson.
The following letters show the impact our literature can have.
I have just finished reading your bo.oklet on water baptism, and
feel I am definitely ready to be baptized. I was born into a
Catholic family and was baptized as an infant.
I had water
either poured or sprinkled on me, but I know I was not immersed.
One night I came across The "WORLD TOMORROW" program and it
literally changed my life. Now I know and understand that I must
obey God, His laws and commandments. I fear God and want to do
what pleases Him--now I need some help. I would like to have some
questions answered:
Can I baptize myself? For I have baptized myself with the aid of
my wife. Can I baptize my wife?
I also did that just before
baptizing myself. Do you need witnesses? If what I did was not
valid, then I would like very much if one of your ministers would
come to my house and baptize my wife and myself.
R.B. (Brooklyn,.NY)
I have picked up a couple of your magazines at the supermarket,
and just sent in a card to subscribe. My son (age 11) looked over
my shoulder at the magazines and some of the ads for your free
booklets really caught his eye--particularly WHO IS THE BEAST?
Please send these booklets--the ad sent him running to get his
Bible when I told him what the booklets were about! He's sitting
now with his nose buried in the book of Revelation instead of
being glued to the TV. I must thank you with all my heart. Your
clever ads got his attention and interest, which is more than
I've been able to do.
M.S. (West Terre Haute, IN)
March 15th almost a year ago. I decided to read it when I got the
chance. After a long day I was looking forward to retiring. On
doing so, I found I couldn't sleep. Shortly before 2 a.m. I got
up, wide awake, and went downstairs to read the booklet.
By the middle of the booklet, I was so excited about Passover and
the holy days I was ready to write in for a calendar adhering to
God's timetable. My curiosity urged me to read ahead in hope I