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WEST BEND, WI--CARL McNAIR: I have received quite an increase in
calls from people watching The "WORLD TOMORROW" telecast who want
to know just exactly what is going to happen in the near future.
This is as a result of Mr. Armstrong's telecasts on nuclear war.
ST. PETERSBURG, FL--ROBERT C. JONES: Everyone was delighted by
Mr. Armstrong's visit to Central Florida. In his meeting with
the ministers afterwards, he was lamenting that he tires easily
these days--that he gets tired after only two or three hours of
typing. If it's any consolation to him, I'm only 48 and if I
typed for two or three hours someone would probably have to carry
me away from the desk. Mr. Armstrong continues to set all of us
an excellent example of leadership and hard work which we younger
men are pantingly trying to emulate.
Y.O.U. and Y.E.S. programs are
making a difference. The "generation gap" is being bridged as
parents turn to children with an affectionate gift of time and
resources. This kind of investment is sure to pay big dividends
in the future.
HOUS�ON (NORTH), TX--JOHN OGWYN: The lack of proper instruction
many of the parents seem to have given their teens regarding sex
and dating is appalling.
Most teens have not read Mr.
strong's book, THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX� in fact, I really
don't think most of the parents have either.
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO--CLINT ZIMMERMAN: Our children are becoming
increasingly interested in what we're doing in Y.O.U. and Y.E.S.,
but I have the uncomfortable feeling that parents just do not
realize how awesome is their responsibility toward their children
in these latter days. My sermons this month have attempted to
spell it out in more complete detail than ever before, but there
is still much to be done here and in the Church worldwide. I'm
not referring to children's activities but to parental education
and involvement.
MONROE, LA--BRISCOE ELLETT II: We are currently counseling with
many second generation youth of the Church and they are beginning
to see that (as one put it to me) "this is the only place where
it's atl" I believe several will be baptized by Passover. Quite
a few of the PMs we are contacting are experiencing difficult
trials as they strive to be obedient to God. It is so obvious
though that God is calling more people to work with.
It is
encouraging to see them come along.
The winter weather with extreme cold
wind and snow has made life difficult for members in this area.
Some of the people were without electricity for eight or nine
days in
bitter cold. The ice and snow were so bad--coupled
with the wind--that not only did power 1ines break but power
poles by the score cracked in two and had to be replaced. Most
people in the area were inconvenienced to say the least. The
members did all right and God took care of them. Many linemen and
construction workers had to be brought in from out of state in
order to restore power. Crews worked around the clock to get the
job done.