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number one. About one-third of these requests came via the cards which were
in The PLAIN TRUTH newsstand edition. Another fourth were from The "WORLD
TOMORROW" telecast. The summer semiannual letter generated 75,000 more re­
Big Sandy WATS Start Up Date Rescheduled
I've just returned from a brief trip to Big Sandy and am pleased to report
that our WATS line equipment is all set up and fully operational, and the
staff is eagerly awaiting the first incoming phone calls.
The "kickoff"
date (February 10) was postponed because the phone company was unable to
tie our lines into their system as quickly as expected. The new target date
is February 28.
Brethren Inspired by Mr. Armstrong's Sermon Tapes
Members in the local churches always consider Mr. Armstrong's taped sermons
a highlight and very special blessing. They are helped, enriched and en­
couraged by the fresh understanding his messages bring. Following are a
few of the recent comments we've received.
I \o'Ould like to take this opportunity to thank you for the
wonderful words of encouragement, instruction, admonition and
inspiration that we have received from you, not only in letters
and articles, but most especially in the taped sermons that we
have been hearing. I do so much look forward to them. Indeed,
God is revealing more truth to you and we thank Him for it. We
thank you for sharing this precious gift with us.
C.L. (Houston, TX)
I just have to write a note to thank you for your messages on tape
we have been having on the Sabbath. We have learned so much in
the Church through you--how God calls us and opens our minds to
understanding: what the Gospel and Kingdom of God are: God's
purpose and plan: what the government of God is: how Satan
kidnapped the whole world: what a good foundation is: what the
family of God is: the true meaning of "born again": and the
spirit in man and how, when coupled with God's Spirit, we can get
spiritual understanding--and so much more.
Thank you, thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for it is through you we
have this knowledge. You have more understanding than anyone on
earth today and how blessed we are to have you pass it on to us.
God's Spirit is certainly working in you and through you.
M.L. (Youngstown, OH)
Thank you for the sermon tape which was brought to us last
Sabbath about the spirit in man and the composition of spirit.
It is always great to hear your sermons because it brings us back
to the trunk of the tree or "home base." Sometimes I get so
wrapped up in my own problems that the overall plan of God seems
so distant. Bringing the Kingdom back into perspective is re­
freshing, even more so than a glass of cold water on a very hot
Mr. & Mrs. D.W. (Soldotna, AK)