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our television crew accompanied Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and taped his
sermon messages as he spoke at three Festival sites -- St. Petersburg,
Big Sandy and Tucson.
The video pod and a crew of nine (one extra driver} flew and/or drove
the length of the continental United States and back during this two­
week period. The pod truck, (after a leisurely drive from Tucson and
a Day of Atonement stop at New Orleans}, arrived in Florida where the
taping was to begin.
The hectic schedule swung into high gear once the taping started on the
first Holy Day of the Feast, Monday morning at St. Petersburg. After
the morning service and while Mr. Herbert Armstrong was addressing the
ministers and wives at a special luncheon, the crew was busily tearing
down and packing away the equipment. Late Monday afternoon the pod
was literally trucking down the road to Big Sandy, ·Texas Csome 1,100
miles away), for our next shoot, Wednesday morning. · Once the pod arrived
.on the Texas campus late Tuesday afternoon, the crew worked into the
night setting up for the next day's taping.
When we left Big Sandy, the pressure eased up a little, since Mr.
Armstrong would only be speaking one more time -- on the Last Great Day
in the Tucson Community Center.
The entire operation was very successful, without too many problems of
any major consequence corning up, although we almost had heart failure
several times along the way. For example, in Big Sandy we blew several
breakers that caused a total power failure in the pod. Cameras,
monitors, most of our TV lights, air conditioners, intercoms, video
tape recorders all went dead. All of a sudden, those in the pod sat
in total darkness and silence. After a mad scramble by our crew, the
over-loaded circuits were corrected. Thankfully all this occurred prior
to the main message.
The tapes of Mr. Armstrong's sermons look good and we should be able to
obtain at least six proqrams from them. Mr. Armstrong seemed to gain
more strength and vitality as the Feast progressed; not that he wasn't
already powerful at the first Holy Day in St. Petersburg!
A special thanks to all of you who helped us out, especially Festival
Co-ordinators, Mr. Jim Chapman, Mr. Dave Robinson, and Mr. Walter
Dickinson and all the choir directors who had to �ork around us and
had to alter their programs in order to accommodate our special needs.
--John Lundberg, Television Production
PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE The last-minute plans for a Plain Truth
newsstand meeting at each feast site this year turned out to be a great
success. Over 500 were in total attendance, which was much larger than
Many ideas were discussed and reactions to some of the points were
common to all Feast sites. Every area stressed the need for Plain Truth
covers to be oriented toward the first time reader. This initial impact
is very important to the newsstand program as most of our contacts are
first time readers. Brian Knowles and I are working on this. The need