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New PMs continue to come along
well. The Ch � rch is growing spiritually and in numbers as well.
The economy is still bad with 14% unemployment, which has
affected several families.
Three families have recently moved
south as a result.
Even though unemployment has
affected many families physically, the overall attitude of the
brethren is very positive and involved in the Church. We had ten
new PT newsstand locations open up in one week! Some of the men
who have been Church members for years are participating in
Spokeman Club for the first time.
FORT WORTH, TX--BOB SMITH: We have been thrilled with the re­
sponse to the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport PLAIN TRUTH display
stands. Incredibly, it seems we will be making available to the
rushing airline traffic the staggering number of 10,000 PLAIN
TRUTH magazines per month. And that is through only four display
(Pasadena Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
The second semester of the college year has gotten off to a good start here
at Pasadena--and also at Big Sandy. Mr. Greg Albrecht, Pasadena Dean of
Students, just returned from spending a week at Big Sandy, where he taught
certain classes, spoke at the Forum, and gave a sermon in Dallas on the
Sabbath. He had a busy, productive and profitable week at our sister campus
in Texas.
Mr. Rod Meredith is scheduled to spend a week on the campus in Texas in the
not-too-distant future. Then, I plan to be there for a week in late March.
These faculty exchanges have proven to be very profitable. Later, Messrs.
Les McCullough and Larry Salyer each plan to spend a week on the campus here
in Pasadena.
The January 24, 1984 issue of the AMBASSADOR PORTFOLIO was one of the very
best ever. Page one featured a large picture of the student body waving to
Mr. Armstrong, along with an open letter to the Founder and Chancellor of
the College, in recognition of the Work's fiftieth anniversary.
On page three of this same issue of the PORTFOLIO, we read:
"Last week
started the long and detailed process of reviewing applications for
Ambassador College.
So far this year there have been 1,184 application
forms sent out. Add to that 141 fiorms that are already on file from last
year that will be reevaluated this year, and there are a total of 1,325
forms in circulation.
Of these, however, only 164 have been returned.
These added to the original 141 makes a total of 305 active applications, of
which 80 are completed and ready for review."
We don't yet know for sure just how many freshmen we will be able to enroll
at Pasadena next college year, but if we can send about 20 sophomores to Big
Sandy (last year we sent about 40), we may be able to accept approximately
130 new students. Some of the details are yet to be worked out concerning