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the following month. Use the Newsstand Depot/Allocation Change form, or
call John LaBissoniere at the Newsstand Office.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
Encouraging Response to December Co-worker/Member Letter
Mr. Armstrong's December 18 letter describing the Church's current finan­
cial needs drew more comments than any other letter in 1983. The brethren
expressed concern over the present situation and responded very generously.
Many sent special offerings, including money they had set aside for other
things. In their letters, several expressed regret about The ·PLAIN TRUTH
cutbacks in Italy and black Africa, but appreciated being informed of the
problem. Those with little to give, including a number of unemployed, said
they would pray for God to supply the need.
God's Blessings Poured Out
Many of God's people share accounts of
received. These blessings often come in
spiritual and physical aspects of life.
illustrate God's generosity.
the abundant blessings they have
unexpected ways, and
The following inspiring comments
Last month, in accordance with our pledge to God, we sent you 10%
of the income of our corporation. Things were down and out, you
might say. This month God has fulfilled His pledge and in 30
short days our business income has grown almost 400%. We are
most pleased to send our tithe check for spreading God's Word.
D.H.--President (Woodland, ME)
With this check we have finished our third tithe year. We want to
say it has been an unbelievable year filled with blessings, one
following another.
Two weeks before the Feast, my husband
received a large raise. Just today, after returning home from
the Feast, my husband's grandmother gave me two coats, including
one very beautiful fur.
Not only have we been blessed financially, but we have been able
to share with others--entertaining more than we had in any
previous year. It truly does pay both physically and spiritually
to keep God's laws. Our family has become closer to each other
and God during this past year. It doesn't seem possible, but we
were able to give three times more in offerings than any other
Mr. & Mrs. D.K. (Grafton, WI)
Please accept the enclosed money order as a first fruit offering.
Even in a very dry, hot summer God has blessed us with a bountiful
harvest, showing us once again that He is faithful in keeping His
M.W. (Paris, OH)
We are sending the tithes on our goats. We have three does that
had twins and these are their first kids. In fact, all our does