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Just a few lines to let you know that I enjoy The PLAIN TRUTH very
To receive this beautiful magazine free of charge is
simply amazing. The photos are of such high quality I feel I
could step into them; as if they were 3-D! The words also seem to
jump off the pages and I can hear your voice explaining events
the way they are--the plain truth!
J.M. (Wilkes-Barre, PA)
I used to work in a 7-11 food store where I had access to 185
must say that The PLAIN TRUTH is impressive indeed and by far the
D.W. (Chicago, IL)
The daily news in the newspaper is extremely slanted, sensation­
alized and hampered by a shortsightedness caused by rejection of
God's prophetic goldmine, the Bible. Television news is even
worse, and such magazines as TIME are hopelessly humanistic and
liberal in their reporting and writing. Where can one find a
magazine that will really tell you not only what is happening,
but interpret it in the light of biblical prophecy--God's Word?
I been increasingly disillusioned by other so-called re­
ligious magazines. They are asking such questions as "Should
homosexuals be ordained?" and "What is going on in the World
Council of Churches?"
Your magazine is a real joy and I thank you for sending it. It is
consistently well written (I am an editor, so I can appreciate
that), the photographs are of high quality, good color and
composition (being an art major, I can appreciate that), and the
thrust of the magazine is in world affairs that really count.
G.L. (Houston, TX)
Your magazine is one of the best in print!
You have more news
than all other religious magazines. Your authors are superb and
you don't fear and hate science! Mr. Armstrong's editorials are
the best and he comes across well on the TV.
C.H. (Shawnee, OK)
Having been a printing employee for 35 of my 87 years, I can say
it is amazing that the Worldwide Church of God publications can
be put out without a price on them, and that typographical errors
are practically nonexistent. First-rate printing!
P.A. (Decatur, IL)
Your magazine is most amazing. Interesting, refreshing, alter­
nate viewpoints are combined with superb color photography;
timely and informative graphs and charts are coupled with news
features on important social issues; it is offered free each
month. Not any longer though--please receive my donation.
think it's worth it!
B.D. (Panorama, CA)
I am writing in regard to The PLAIN TRUTH and The GOOD NEWS.' As a
graphic artist and designer, I am very pleased to see a marked