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replaces our former "Worker" applications. CAMPER applications must be
postmarked no later than March 15 and CAMPER II applications must be post­
marked no later than February 15. If additional applications are needed,
please contact the Y.O.U. Office. Applicants in Canada should contact the
Vancouver Office for their S.E.P. applications.
(Pasadena Campus)
--Kevin 0. Dean, Y.O.U.
Next Monday we begin classes again as we kick off the second semester of
college. During the two-week break, we of the faculty have kept busy catch­
ing up on a number of things which we had been unable to accomplish during
the first semester.
Yesterday we had a Retentions Meeting. We have such meetings after each
semester to see how the students have done. Also, we have to take a close
look at the scores of all students who might not be doing very well academi­
cally. We were pleasantly surprised to see that none of the students had
done so poorly that we had to drop anyone from Ambassador.
Overall, we are quite pleased with the majority of the students and their
progress. There are always a few, however, who want to coast along instead
of diligently applying themselves.
During the break, a number of students from Pasadena and Big Sandy went on a
ski trip to Colorado. Mr. Ron Kelly (who was in charge of overseeing the
students from Pasadena) mentioned that there were no auto accidents or
student injuries. He also mentioned that a number of business people who
came in contact with our students were very well impressed with their
conduct, and told him so. It is always good to hear such reports, for as
the proverb says, "A good report maketh the bones fat" (Prov. 15:30).
During the midsemester break we continued having our ongoing, twice-weekly
Student Progress Meetings.
These meetings are for the purpose of dis­
cussing the progress of the seniors and juniors.
Because January 1 fell on a Sunday this year, the annual Pasadena Rose
Parade and the Rose Bowl football game were scheduled for Monday. Both
students and local Church brethren were again able to serve at these
events, helping to park cars, selling programs, staffing various concession
stands, etc. These annual events enable the Church and College to make
enough money to help fund various activities for the entire year.
Church and College divide the proceeds equally.
It won't be long now before we will be able to see many of you again as you
begin attending the next Ministerial Refreshing Program. It is always good
to have you back in Pasadena, and we look forward to being able to visit
with as many of you as time permits. I am sure all of you will look forward
to being able to once again visit Headquarters and be refreshed by the new
Everything here at Headquarters seems to be coming along very well. Please
remember God's people here in your prayers, as we continue to remember in
our prayers all of His people scattered around this globe.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor