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ST. GEORGE'S, GRENADA--VICTOR SIMPSON: All the brethren survived
the recent violent events in Grenada without injury or signifi­
cant damage to property.
Services were held as normal.
should be able to have Bible studies again next month. General­
ly, I feel the brethren have benefited spiritually from these
recent events.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
1983 Record Year for Mail Received
It seems that with every other PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT we report another
record has been broken. Once again, we're happy to announce that another
milestone has been reached--more than 3.8 million pieces of mail have been
received by the Church in Pasadena this year. This is an all-time high and
a two percent increase over the previous best year, which was 1982.
Mail counts for 1983 had trailed slightly behind 1982 for most of the year.
But because we have received a high number of responses from the recent
semiannual letter, the new record was set this week.
Literature Serves Senior Citizens
Among the many letters the Church receives are those from older persons,
some in their eighties and even nineties. Many of them have health problems
and are limited in their contact with the outside world. They rely on our
free literature because it keeps them in touch with current events, gives
them encouragement and provides a positive outlook on life, besides
increasing their understanding of God's Word.
Despite limited incomes,
quite a few send donations. Following are some of the letters received.
I am a senior citizen and wish I had known about you and your
church and college long ago, as I could have lived a much better
life. I have been a Christian, or so I thought for a long while,
but you opened my eyes to a lot clearer meaning of being a true
follower of Christ. I am enclosing a donation to the Worldwide
Church of God to help in reaching others.
Mrs. M.H. (Oakland, CA)
I watch and listen to you each Sunday morning.
I am a retired
farmer past 88 years of age. My wife is dead; I live alone. Your
program brings comfort to a lonely old man.
Please send The
PLAIN TRUTH and your booklet on Revelation.
J.P. (Vandergridt, PA)
Please accept a humble offering in appreciation for the free
We are especially grateful as senior citizens who
enjoy The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and have benefited from it. My
husband is a housebound handicapper who has had two strokes and
is paralyzed. Your literature has been a godsend to him and the
informative articles have given him a different outlook on life,
which has proven to be beneficial.
May God bless all of you for the good you are doing in this world
for people like ourselves and others. We pass our literature on