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Talking about the Work has been misused for still another reason.
This is a result of the age in which we live. It has been called the
age of cynicism. So many cover-ups have been uncovered, so many
"facts" have been proved fraudulent, so many stories demonstrated
to be specious, that we of this. age are ·forced to view. everything
with doubt and disbelief. There is no innocence; the tenhon sisters
are no more. All that is left is the Pihillistic Nancy Sinatra look.
"Watch out-for the boots. They are gonna walk all over you."
But that outlook does not belong in the Church. If it is, we are
not overcoming the world, it is overcoming us. We would be accepting
the.attitudes of a dying society instead of the way of God that leads
to LIFE. If we infer that church leadership is suspect or evil, that
they willingly deceive us and are selfishly motivated, we are actually
saying that Christ is not ruling His Church as He should.
When Christ wanted to reveal Himself to John 1n Rev. 1, He could
have used anyone of several scenes to do so. On the right hand of the
Father. A vision ahead to the time of the Kingdom. But He chose a
new setting for this book addressed to His servants. Standing, an
active position, in the midst of seven candlesticks--later described
as the seven churches. With seven stars, the "angels of the seven
churches", in His right hand--the hand of work and control. Christ
pictured Himself to John as standing in the middle of His churches
with the angels completely in His control. Smack dab in the middle
totally involved! He wanted the church to know that He is aware,
active and in charge.
When something or someone needs correcting, He can and does
correct. Recent events should make that very clear. He waits. He
is criticized for delay. He acts. He is censured for severity. Part
of the "just living by faith" is trusting Him to govern His own Body.
Especially the leadership who will bear the responsibility of their
office. Responsibility demands accountability.
If we believe He is the Head, our words should show it. If we
do not, there is no reason to belong to this Church.
Remember, the Church is His Bride. With all our flaws and warts,
He is making us into a clean, righteous and faultless bride to marry
forever at His return. You would not view with favor anyone who be­
smerched the reputation of your bride-to-be. Nor does He (Rev.
12: 10-11)
Our thinking should not be determined by the hostile, wrathful,
distrusting and unforgiving world in which we live. We have been
called OUT of it. Our minds must be transformed into the truly con­
verted Christian mind that in. an open and honest way follows Christ
and the leadership He puts over us.
Perhaps the greatest problem wiL� talk in the Church is the way
in which many feel free to speak about or listen to critical words
about a brother in the Church or in the ministry. The basic Bible
teaching on brotherly relations is four1d in Lev. 19: 18. "Thou shalt
not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people,
but . thou shalt love thy neighbor� thyself: I am the Lord." The!
Jewish scholars expound the famous last phrase by saying "Let the