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Television was the leading source of new adds, accounting for 29%, followed
by 20% from newsstands and 19% from cards placed in subscription issues.
Very Good Response to Semiannual Letter
The response to the semiannual letter from regular subscribers is very
good--the second highest since 1979.
Eighty-four trays of mail were
received on the weekend of December 10-11, an all-time record.
(A tray
contains about 850-900 letters.
The previous record was 68 trays, set
during last winter's semiannual letter.)
Readers recognize Mr. Armstrong as a wise and true discerner of the times we
live in as foretold in Biblical prophecies. They also appreciate his per­
sonal concern for people. In addition to requesting the booklets offered
in the letter, many are already asking for his yet to be published book A
187 Tons of Paper to Print U.S. Book
THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY continues to be the most re­
quested publication the Church offers, other than The PLAIN TRUTH. Through
November of this year, 413,690 copies were distributed. We recently or­
dered another half-million copies, which are expected to last only until
next year's Feast of Tabernacles. In placing the order, we were informed
that this one printing will require 187 tons of paper--enough to fill three
railroad boxcars.
God Continues to Perform Miracles of Healing
Many people write in to share their experiences of God's intervention when
they were sick or disabled. From their letters it is clear that God heals-­
but in the time and manner He chooses. Some were healed instantly after
suffering for years, while others are being healed gradually. The fol­
lowing are some of the inspiring accounts we have received:
Since months have passed and I am now sure of God's healing, I
will write. For approximately 47 years, I had been plagued by a
rapidly fluctuating temperature and low grade fever on an almost
constant basis. Last year it outdid itself, going to 102 and 103
degrees and had me just about incapacitated.
had many lab tests that showed no reason for it. The local
minister anointed me but it kept on.
was getting pretty des­
perate and distraught and when
was anointed a second time for a
colon problem, I also told the minister about this miserable
temperature. Like
say, I waited a long time to be certain and I
am. God has healed me.
C.G. (Phoenix, AZ)
Thank you very much for having had special prayer made for me
when I contacted Headquarters in July. I received the anointed
cloth and your kind letter. From the pain and symptoms, appar­
had a bleeding ulcer. There has been no sign of further
bleeding since the day after my request and no more pain in my
stomach after a few days.
thank God for the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ and His healing. Thanks to all who were concerned about
B.M. (Hahira, GA)