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Christmas Booklet Opens Many Eyes
Each year at this time, thousands of our subscribers and viewers request
the booklet THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT CHRISTMAS. Many write back after they
have read and thought about the material it presents. The truth is quite
surprising to most readers. Some have had disturbing doubts and suspicions
about Christmas and are somewhat relieved to have a good reason to no longer
celebrate it. Following are some interesting letters.
Thank you for your remarkable booklet THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT
CHRISTMAS. I was shocked by facts about Christmas I had only
suspected to be true before. You are absolutely right, Christmas
is another way the devil deceives us. I confess I have made the
mistake of thinking the sun and the Son might be the same. Thank
you for boldly clarifying how Satan (Santa) deceives us by
appearing to be an "angel of light."
E.S. (Springfield, MA)
I've always been perplexed as to the Christmas syndrome which
seems to net no one anything except ulcers, envy, financial chaos
and worry--not to mention a few suicides every year. You have
exposed the farce for what it is--a hoax! Here's some cash to
help spread the word. Instead of the "get" philosophy of a so­
called Christian Christmas, here's some "give" to help the true
K.R. (Anniston, AL)
Thanks for the booklet on Christmas.
It was very interesting
reading. It put my Roman Catholic parents into shock! However,
nothing can hide the plain truth from searching eyes and minds!
C.T. (Franklin Lakes, NJ)
When I was only about 11 years old, I had a really bad feeling
that Christmas was wrong.
I argued with my parents that if
Christmas was really to honor Christ, then why all the fuss and
pomp of the tree and presents? It seemed to me all anyone was
really interested in was the presents anyway. I wanted to sit
together and sing the pretty songs and read the Bible. The other
five members of my family were no-go on that. So I went off to my
room and spent the evening alone reading my Bible. Only back
then it all was mumbo-jumbo to me--a lot of big words, and
Revelation was like trying to read a foreign language.
My husband and I have not participated in Christmas in four or
five years now, since through your help I studied and found the
truth. Christ was never in Christmas. Now I sit back and watch
as everyone else plays the game. You can see their anxieties,
their worries; they are frantic and no one looks really happy.
Ah, but I am!
The only thing I'm unhappy about is all these
people blindly following the traditions of their fathers, wasting
all that time, energy and feelings of love and give instead of
putting it to a good use every day of the year.
W.R. (Aberdeen, MD)
I have just finished reading THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT CHRISTMAS and
found it to be spiritually enlightening. I find 1ittle joy in