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So now let it be MADE OFFICIAL--by Christ's present-day Apostle-­
that this binding and loosing PLAINLY, CLEARLY, was given to Christ's
chief APOSTLE--not to lower-rank ministers ordained by his authority-­
not by the CHURCH as a body--but by the APOSTLE!
When men who held office under the Apostle, and by his appointment
or. approval, took it into their own hands, in his absence--stealthily
KEEPING IT FROM HIM--act to water down God's TRUTH, alter His doc­
trines, assume unauthorized authority, then the living CHRIST moves
His Apostle to ACT SWIFTLY, to PUT OUT the prime mover in this con­
spiracy, and under Christ, set God's Church and Work BACK ON GOD'S
PRAISE THE ETER..�AL GOD! he has NOT left nor forsaken HIS CHURCH!
Jesus Christ still REIGNS SUPREME in God's Church, as He shall, very
soon, reign over all the earth!
Many harmful errors in the "STP" still remain to be PUT STRAIGHT-­
and it shall be done by JESUS CHRIST, through His Apostle, as rapidly
as is humanly possible!
JESUS CHRIST is the living HEAD of this Church! HE built it
through His Apostle. And He, CHRIST, still rules SUPREME in the one
and only area on earth where the GOVERNMENT OF GOD is being admin­
istered today!
* * * * *
by Robert E. Fahey
Talk about rumor is usually too simplistic.
people know that rumor can be a good sign in that
Somebody CARES about the person being discussed.
important and significant.
it shows interest.
His actions are
People talk about what is of interest to them. We have given
our lives to this Work. We are concerned about every facet of its
operations. We CARE about the triumphs and the troubles. We discuss
them both. We want to know particularly about the leadership--what
they are doing, thinking, planning or even dreading. Because those
activities will affect the Work and
So we are concerned --we
want to know. That is good!
We do not discuss what is of no interest to us. A few years
ago, you could not get away from news about Jackie Kennedy. She
complained about her lack of privacy. And if you saw the photos I
did-- with good reason. Now she has the privacy she wanted, but
she may not be happy with that either. The public is s�ying in
effect, "We don't care about how rich she is, her marriage and divorce
plans nor where and how she sunbathes. We have larg�ly Lost interest
in Jackie."
If our hearts (and treasure) are in the Work, we will surely
talk about it. And so we should. The problem of course, is HOW we