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please accept this small contribution which could hardly cover
the value of the knowledge which The PLAIN TRUTH imparts.
D.S. (East London, Republic of South Africa)
I am a Vietnamese refugee, having just arrived in Australia two
months ago.
Prior to that, I've known about The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine when I was being reeducated in a concentration camp.
Surprising? Of course!
Communist authorities prohibited all Western papers, but we used
paper slips (from The PLAIN TRUTH) to cover our food. We trans­
ferred them from one to another for reading your valuable
articles--priceless during confinement. Twice, Communist guards
discovered our reading material. We were imprisoned in fetters
for this.
Luckily, after seven years of reeducation, I was released. I
tried to flee away at once. I failed and was imprisoned again.
However, I escaped to Saigon (now known as Ho Chi Minh City) to
live illegally until the end of 1982. Then I escaped success­
fully to Malaysia. I now ask to be a subscriber to your magazine.
H.C. icabramatta, NSW, Australia)
Thank you sincerely for the help you have given me through your
valuable magazine. The PLAIN TRUTH has changed my life and my
attitude towards life.
It has helped me to lead a life of
quality. It has benefited not only myself but also my wife and
K.S. (India)
I am extremely grateful to you for having sent me some of the
publications of the Church of God. THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN
IN PROPHECY was for me a decisive revelation because it over­
turned years of errors and lack of understanding. I believe that
biblical prophecies, to the extent that they can be revealed to
us, are a fantastic source of faith, because they put us in
direct contact with God. From now on I am sensitive to the call
of God.
E.S. (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France)
I opened up the FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG and out fell your
informative flyer.
I was surprised and very happy.
years ago I discovered your ad in the train and I wrote you for
it. I have been receiving your magazine for several years along
with millions of other readers. I am 74 years young and can only
express my sincere regards and once again, thank you.
K.H. (Bochum, West Germany)
I've read in La PURA VERDAD that you run a university which
teaches the preparation of people to reign as priests with Christ
for 1,000 years. Besides this, you teach a profession for this
transitory life.
I studied here in the National University in Nicaragua for two
I left because the material is of the party--from
Marxism-Leninism. This is why I don't study any more--it's not